共 81 个单词
dendrochronologyn.树木年代学;英英释义 DendrochronologyDrill for dendrochronology sampling and growth ring counting以上来...
详细解释pollenatevt.给…传授花粉;英英释义 pollenate[ 'plineit ]v.fertilize by transfering pollen同义词:pollinatecross-pollinat...
详细解释undereducatedadj.受教育不足的,未受良好教育的;英英释义 undereducated[ ,ndr'edju:keitid ]adj.poorly or insufficiently ed...
详细解释formalisticadj.形式主义;英英释义 formalistic[ f:'mlistik ]adj.concerned with or characterized by rigorous or adherence ...
详细解释kashmirin.克什米尔人[语]; 变形 复数:Kashmiris 英英释义 kashmiri[ k'miri ]n.a member of the people of Kashmirthe offici...
详细解释bottomryn.船舶抵押契约(如船舶损失,则债务取消),冒险借贷;押船借款;英英释义 BottomryA bottomry, or bottomage, is an a...
详细解释UAEabbr.United Arab Emirates (亚洲) 阿拉伯联合酋长国;英英释义 UAEUAE is the United Arab Emirates.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释absorbencyn.吸收性;吸光度;吸收能力;吸光率(度)英英释义 absorbency[ b's:bnsi ]n.the property of being absorbent
详细解释oxbown.牛轭U字形部分,U字形弯曲;adj.呈U字形弯曲的;英英释义 oxbow[ 'ksbu ]n.the land inside an oxbow bend in a rivera U...
详细解释Mombasa释义蒙巴萨岛(肯尼亚);英英释义 Mombasa[ mm'bs; -'b:s: ]n.a port city in southern Kenya on a coral island in a b...
详细解释sprayern.喷出水沫者,喷雾,喷雾器; 变形 复数:sprayers 英英释义 sprayer[ 'sprei ]n.a worker who applies spray to a surf...
详细解释actualizationn.实现,现实化;英英释义 actualization[ ,ktulai'zein, -li'z- ]n.making real or giving the appearance of rea...
详细解释penstockn.水道;水渠;压力水管;水阀门英英释义 penstock[ 'penstk ]n.regulator consisting of a valve or gate that control...
详细解释permiann.& adj.二叠纪(的);英英释义 permian[ 'p:min ]n.from 280 million to 230 million years ago; reptiles同义词:Perm...
详细解释ikebanan.插花(术),花道;插花艺术;英英释义 IkebanaA Japanese hanging scroll ([[kakemono) and Ikebana]]以上来源于:Wiki...
详细解释outermostadj.最外面的,离中心最远的;英英释义 outermost[ 'autmust ]adj.situated at the farthest possible point from a ce...
详细解释translocationn.迁移,移动,置换;易位;输导作用;英英释义 translocation[ ,trnslu'kein, ,trnz-, tr:n- ]n.the transport of...
详细解释funeraryadj.葬礼的,埋葬的;英英释义 funerary[ 'fju:n,rri ]adj.of or for or relating to a funeral"funerary urn"
详细解释Hampshiren.汉普郡(英国南部之一郡);英英释义 Hampshire[ 'hmp ]n.a county of southern England on the English ChannelBrit...
详细解释quadranglen.四边形;(尤指大学的学院等的)四方院子; 变形 复数:quadrangles 英英释义 quadrangle[ 'kwdrl ]n.a four-sided ...
详细解释habitabilityn.可居住;适居性;可居住性;英英释义 habitability[ ,hbit'bilti ]n.suitability for living in or on同义词:hab...
详细解释biplanen.双翼飞机,复翼飞机; 变形 复数:biplanes 英英释义 biplane[ 'baiplein ]n.old fashioned airplane; has two wings o...
详细解释gyrevi.回旋,旋转;n.旋转,回旋;(洋流中的)涡流;英英释义 gyre[ 'dai ]n.a round shape formed by a series of concentric...
详细解释hornedadj.有角的,角状的;英英释义 horned[ h:nd ]adj.having a horn or horns or hornlike parts or horns of a particular k...
详细解释enzymesn.酶( enzyme的名词复数 );英英释义 enzymen.any of several complex proteins that are produced by cells and act as ...
详细解释asymptomaticadj.无临床症状的;英英释义 asymptomatic[ ,eisimpt'mtik ]adj.having no symptoms of illness or disease同义词:...
详细解释holoceneadj.& n.(地)全新世(的),全新统(的);全新纪;英英释义 holocene[ 'hlsi:n ]n.approximately the last 10,000 ye...
详细解释Einsteinn.爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein);英英释义 Einstein[ 'ainstain ]n.physicist born in Germany who formulated the specia...
详细解释flappyadj.飞扬的;英英释义 FlappyMSXFamicomPC-6001PC-8801Sharp X1Game BoyVirtual Console以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释malarialadj.患疟疾的,毒气的;英英释义 malarial[ m'lril ]adj.of or infected by or resembling malaria"malarial fever"
详细解释appellationn.名称,称号;称呼;名目; 变形 复数:appellations 英英释义 appellation[ ,p'lein ]n.identifying word or words...