

n. 击键;按键

vt. 用键盘输入;击打…的键

vi. 击键










On a keyboard, the force required to depress a key to ensure positive contact and the action of the keystroke.


Keystroke analysis of free text

Authentication by keystroke timing : some prelimary results

The keystroke-level model for user performance time with interactive systems

The keystroke-level model for user performance time with interactive systems

Identity authentication based on keystroke latencies

Dynamic identity verification via keystroke characteristics

Authenticating mobile phone users using keystroke analysis

Keystroke Biometric Recognition Studies on Long-Text Input under Ideal and Application-Oriented Conditions

User identification via keystroke characteristics of typed names using neural networks

Rogers, J.: User Identification via Keystroke Characteristics of Typed Names using Neural Networks. International Journal of Man-Mac...



keystroke (n.)

1902, from key (n.1) + stroke (n.). Not in common use until the rise of computers. As a verb, by 1966 (implied in keystroking).



1. Avoid making an asynchronous call for every keystroke or mouse move.


2. Now you might want to throttle the number of requests by putting a delay in between each keystroke and when you actually make the request.


3. The user can bind these signals to any keystroke using the driver and configuration software. This allows the NIA to take the place of any keyboard command in any game.


4. Using this information, they were able to figure out a list of potential keystroke results were then compared with a 58,000-entry dictionary.


5. This article uses example code to demonstrate keystroke dynamics for enhancing the security of your applications in authentication and continuous data entry contexts.


6. The second function in Listing 3 processes each keystroke in the text area.

清单3 中的第二个函数将处理文本区域中的每次击键。

7. The tools and code described in this article allow you to create your own framework for continuous user verification using keystroke dynamics.


8. Exercise caution before implementing remote logins with keystroke dynamics, as network latency and a host of other variables need to be considered for reliable verification.


9. In addition, keystroke dynamics is one of the few fields where biometrics can be used for continuous authentication.


10. Before beginning modifications to the GDM source, establishing a test program to create and practice keystroke dynamics is highly recommended.


11. They were already handling billions of searches a day, now they are handling billions of individual small searches with each keystroke.


12. For testing purposes, uncomment the sample printing line in Listing 7 to show the keystroke signature before encryption.


13. The orbiTouch creates a keystroke when you slide the two domes into one of their eight respective positions. You type the different characters by sliding the domes to create letters and numbers.


14. The challenge in using keystroke dynamics in an authentication or verification context is to discern acceptable variations from incorrect credentials.


15. Once you have completed the steps shown in "Expand your text entry options with keystroke dynamics," return here to continue building the test program.

当您完成 “用击键力学扩展文本输入选项” 中所示的步骤后,请返回到这里继续构建测试程序。

16. Keystroke dynamics is a relatively new field that enables identification of individuals through statistical analysis of their typing patterns.


17. If several keystroke requests are in the queue when a previous request returns, only the last will go to the server.


18. Listing 6 adds subroutines for the first basic keystroke dynamics-related check: total time of password entry.


19. Keystroke dynamics is a relatively new field that enables identification of individuals through statistical analysis of their typing patterns.


20. In addition to the many identification options presented by keystroke dynamics discussed in my three earlier articles, mouse usage provides additional data to help determine identity.

除了在我的 前三篇文章 中讨论的击键力学所提供的许多识别方法之外,鼠标使用情况将提供更多数据来帮助确定用户身份。

21. Also note that implementing keystroke dynamics requires the user to have character and keystroke accuracy.


22. Men in both groups looked at dot arrays on a computer screen and had up to 2 seconds to indicate with an appropriate keystroke the main direction in which each set of dots was moving.

研究人员要求参与者盯着电脑屏幕上的一些点阵,时间为2秒钟,而后判断点阵中的点的主要移动方向,并用敲击与不同移动方向相对应的按键的方式表明自己的判断。 这些点阵分不同难度。

23. When developing a keystroke "signature," a large amount of data is ideal.

在开发击键 “签名” 时,最好使用大量数据。

24. A keyboard was linked to rotors, powered by an electric current, which transposed every keystroke several times.


25. Outfitted with a keystroke-capture mechanism, the Trojan horse records the user names and passwords.


26. For this example, only the times between a keystroke and the keystroke immediately following it are measured.


27. Processing and matching keystroke dynamics in GDM


28. Setup read and processing of keystroke dynamics and current release timings


29. Suggestion Box, for example, sends a request on every keystroke.


30. Suggestion Box, for example, sends a request on every keystroke.


31. Or imagine a world in which personal revenge, retribution,getting even is only a keystroke away.


-- 来源 -- science - 汉英

32. The computer terrorist can inflict indiscriminate damage on millions of people with a single keystroke,sowing fear,suspicion,and doubt.


-- 来源 -- science - 汉英

33. The data ready line can be used to flag the processor when a keystroke is ready to be read.


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

34. &Keystroke mapping:


-- 来源 -- 计算机类短语[网络]

35. On a keyboard, the force required to depress a key to ensure positive contact and the action of the keystroke.


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考

36. When an active validation control rejects a keystroke, it must make it clear to the user that it has done so. It should also alert the user as to why it made the rejection.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

37. The solution to this is, upon receipt of the first vernier keystroke, to desensitize the mouse. This is accomplished by making the mouse ignore all subsequent movements under some reasonable threshold, say five pixels.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

38. This way, a user can see them easily and can select them with a single click or keystroke.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

39. Ideally, the application will save every single little change as soon as the user makes it, in other words, after each keystroke.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

40. Sometimes the range of possible data is such that the program cannot validate it until the user has completed his entry (rather than at each individual keystroke).


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓