英式音标:[ˈɒksbəʊ] 怎么读
美式音标:[ˈɒksboʊ] 怎么读
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n. 牛轭U字形部分;U字形弯曲
adj. 呈U字形弯曲的
oxbow[ 'ɔksbəu ]
the land inside an oxbow bend in a river
a U-shaped curve in a stream
a wooden framework bent in the shape of a U; its upper ends are attached to the horizontal yoke and the loop goes around the neck of an ox
Biostratinomy of a holocene oxbow lake: A backswamp to mid-channel transectHigh control of bacterial production by viruses in a eutrophic oxbow lake
Response of Brazos River Oxbow Fish Assemblages to Patterns of Hydrologic Connectivity and Environmental Variability
Hydrology and nutrient biogeochemistry in a created river diversion oxbow wetland
Reconstruction of multi‐century flood histories from oxbow lake sediments, Peace‐Athabasca Delta, Canada
Fish Assemblage Structure in Relation to Environmental Variation among Brazos River Oxbow Lakes
Tie channel sedimentation rates, oxbow formation age and channel migration rate from optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) analysi...
Sesqui- and diterpenoid biomarkers preserved in Taxodium -rich Oligocene oxbow lake clays, Weisselster basin, Germany
Diving behaviour of freshwater finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) in an oxbow of the Yangtze River, China
The effects of extreme¬water level fluctuations on the wetland vegetation of a nymphaeid dominated oxbow lake in The Netherlands
oxbow (n.)
also ox-bow, mid-14c., "wooden collar for an ox," from ox + bow (n.1). Meaning "semicircular bend in a river" is from 1797, American English (New England); meaning "curved lake left after an oxbow meander has been cut off by a change in the river course" is from 1898. The reference is to similarity of shape.
1. City is located in the deep basin Heilonggang Hutuo OXBOW for the alluvial plain.
2. So squama was selected to judge the age of C. brachynathus in Swan oxbow of the Yangtse River. 4.
3. Sedimentary sandstone body of oxbow istracked and described using horizontal slice and 3D stereo display techniques, and its lithology is studied by analyzingreservoir depth, amplitude and frequency.
4. Near the top of this image, a bend in the river has almost separated from the main channel to become an oxbow lake.
5. The "oxbow" design creates an open, collaborative workplace environment for the USACE, emblematic of their mission of "Building Strong.
6. The "oxbow" design creates an open, collaborative workplace environment for the USACE, emblematic of their mission of "Building Strong.
7. Oxbow lakes, the floodplain, dry streams and tributaries, waves beating against the shore.
-- 来源 -- 北方的河 - P_beifangdehe
8. the land inside an oxbow bend in a river.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
9. oxbow lake (cut-off lake)
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]
10. A new channel cut by a river across the neck of an oxbow.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考