共 20 个单词
scuffingn.刮[磨,擦,划]伤;v.使磨损( scuff的现在分词 );拖着脚走;英英释义 scuff[ 'skfi ]n.a slipper that has no fittin...
详细解释changingn.替换;变换;转换;变化英英释义 changing[ [teindi] ]adj.marked by continuous change or effective action同义词:...
详细解释perestroikan.(苏联经济与政治体制的)改革;调整;政治经济重建的;英英释义 perestroika[ ,pers'trik ] economic policy ...
详细解释strainingn.变形,应变;v.拉紧( strain的现在分词 );尽量利用;尽全力;过滤英英释义 straining[ 'streini ] intense or v...
详细解释morphingv.(动植物的)变种( morph的现在分词 );变体;语子;语素形式英英释义 morph[ 'm:fi ]v.cause to change shape in a c...
详细解释curvingadj.弯曲的;v.(使)弯成弧形( curve的现在分词 );英英释义 curving[ 'k:vi ]adj.having or marked by a curve or smoo...
详细解释metamorphismn.变形;变态;变质;变质作用英英释义 metamorphism[ ,met'm:fizm ]n.change in the structure of rock by natural...
详细解释switchovern.替换,转换;英英释义 SwitchoverSwitchover is the manual switch from one system to a redundant or standby com...
详细解释changeovern.(生产方法、装备等的)完全改变,(方针的)转变; 变形 复数:changeovers 英英释义 changeover[ 'teind,uv ]
详细解释inflectionn.变音,转调; 变形 复数:inflections 英英释义 inflection[ in'flekn ]n.a change in the form of a word (usually...
详细解释malformationn.难看,畸形; 变形 复数:malformations 英英释义 malformation[ ,mlf:'mein ] affliction in which some par...
详细解释metamorphosisn.变形(尤指从蛹变为昆虫);(性格、环境等的)改变; 变形 复数:metamorphoses 英英释义 metamorphosis[ ,met'...
详细解释distortionn.扭曲,变形;失真,畸变;[心理学] 扭转; 变形 复数:distortions 英英释义 distortion[ dis't:n ]n.a change for ...