





Switchover is the manual switch from one system to a redundant or standby computer server, system, or network upon the failure or abnormal termination of the previously active server, system, or network, or to perform system maintenance, such as installing patches, and upgrading software or hardware.






The cars and lorrys can be impetused by the switchover batteries immediately.

A rise in the hydraulic pressure during injection could be used to signal the switchover.


System and method for charge pump switchover

Polling Models with and without Switchover Times

NR2 to NR3B subunit switchover of NMDA receptors in early postnatal motoneurons

Polling Systems with Zero Switchover Times: A Heavy-Traffic Averaging Principle

Relating Polling Models with Zero and Nonzero Switchover Times

Waiting-time approximations for cyclic-service systems with switchover times ☆

Monopoly and the Incentive to Innovate When Adoption Involves Switchover Disruptions

Incorporation of NSAIDs in micelles: implication of structural switchover in drug–membrane interaction

Encounter with unexpected collagenase-1 selective inhibitor: switchover of inhibitor binding pocket induced by fluorine atom.

Microbial community structure and function of nitrobenzene reduction biocathode in response to carbon source switchover



1. The energy consumption at stand-by state can be reduced by 21% after the optimization of the switchover condition.


2. Consumers need either a set-top box or a digital television – which nearly all new sets are – to receive a picture after the switchover.


3. This switchover to social media does more than demonstrate the popularity of new media—it affects the whole advertising industry.


4. Kalman filter of the kind of equations was calculated with T-SFIMMA algorithm based on adaptive Kalman filter algorithm of T-S fuzzy model, realize the tracking and automatic switchover of models.


5. In preparation for the switchover, I have temporarily overridden the maximum queue size for users to 500 tasks.


6. The switchover has happened in the Border, Granada and South West television regions, with the majority of the rest of the country turning off the analogue signal over the next two years.


7. Switchover or failover involves varying off the IASP on the production node and varying it on the backup node.


8. Three parts have been researched which are the switchover of data format, elliptic window line segment-clipping and the method for updating local topological relation.


9. So, for the first week or two after the switchover use the converter box’s on-screen menu periodically to scan for new digital stations.


10. This paper introduces signal switchover circuit that transforms voltage signal to current signal in order to improve signal reliability.


11. The result shows that contacting with a prey rather than consuming it is the factor that excites the switchover of searching behavior.


12. By pneumatic and hydraulic switchover drive, the workstation can be rotated for hot stamping of irregular work pieces in different length and different shapes.


13. Some parts have been researched which are approach for mutual transferring between vector structure and raster structure, the switchover of different data format. This thesis has three parts.


14. We performed the switchover to the new master database on February 26th, and things seemed to be working normally after a basic round of testing.


15. The switchover to digital signal by 2012 means that multichannel choice will soon be available to almost all households.


16. Integrating application and research technology of DCS and frequency inverter, realize switchover without interference between control valve and frequency-inverter motor in producing process control.


17. Weld switchover pieces separately on embedment and I-steel, and then connect the mullion with bolts and switchover pieces.


18. Virtual studio system is a new TV program production system which combines computer virtual reality technology with traditional studio color key switchover technology.


19. Through the definition and analysis of typical operation pattern switchover, control optimization design of complicated electrical system is presented.


20. It provides automatic failover via multi-instance queue managers in the event of an unplanned outage, or controlled switchover for planned outages such as applying software maintenance.


21. The switchover of survey sensors in the control system of theodolite is very important.


22. However, you would be forgiven for thinking the big switchover was due tomorrow, given the shenanigans going on in Congress this past week.


23. The switchover to new technologies is not mainly a matter of negotiation but of engineering, planning, financing, and incentives.


24. The time is ideal for the government to step in, said the party, because of the impending digital television switchover.


25. The time is ideal for the government to step in, said the party, because of the impending digital television switchover.



切换switchover:RCS A;

-- 来源 -- science - 汉英

27. To switchover an RCS Use the Switchover button when directed during a procedure and to prepare for maintenance activities such as a Software Update, on an AP.

当在过程中得到指示并为对 AP 进行如软件更新这样的维护活动做准备时,可使用 switchover 按钮。

-- 来源 -- science - 汉英

28. A switchover to endosperm dependency occurs around the heart-shaped stage.


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

29. However, for approximately 10 seconds during the switchover, some transient calls may be lost.

然而,在近 10 秒的切换期间,也会有一些瞬时呼叫掉线。

-- 来源 -- science - 汉英

30. The Switchover button allows the ACTIVE RCSs on one AP to Switchover to mate or alternate without dropping stable calls.

switchover 按钮允许某个 AP 上的 ACTIVE RCS 切换到配对或备用 RCS,而不中断稳定呼叫。

-- 来源 -- science - 汉英


切换switchover:AP A;

-- 来源 -- science - 汉英

32. An unconditional RCS switchover drops calls that cannot be served by the other AP.

无条件的 RCS 切换会使其他 AP 不再用到的呼叫掉线。

-- 来源 -- science - 汉英

33. During a switchover, the connections remain established between the AP and the base station signaling links.

在切换期间,仍会保持 AP 和基站信令链路间建立的连接。

-- 来源 -- science - 汉英

34. Transient calls may be dropped during a conditional switchover.


-- 来源 -- science - 汉英

35. To promote that RCS to ACTIVE, execute a manual RCS switchover command.

要将该 RCS 提升为 ACTIVE,可执行一个手工的 RCS 切换命令。

-- 来源 -- science - 汉英