共 128 个单词
ACCA入门词汇相关的的单词有【terotechnology】【business center】【limiting factor】【cca】【doubtful debts】【advice note】【articles of association】【credit note】【letter of credit】【capital gain】【cost of sales】【share premium】【share capital】【hurdle rate】【final account】【floating charge】【discount rate】【contra】【capital turnover】【FIFO】【liquid assets】【bill payable】【treasurership】【breakeven point】【fixed asset】【right issue】【ordinary shares】【sole trader】【cost structure】【opportunity cost】【npv】【prepayment】【cost accounting】【gearing】【cumulative preference shares】【write-down】【Expected Value】【sunk cost】【net assets】【gross margin】等。
terotechnologyn.维修工艺学;英英释义 TerotechnologyTerotechnology is the technology of installation, commissioning, main...
详细解释business centern.[经] 商务中心,商业中心,营业中心;英英释义 Business centerBusiness Center has several meanings or usag...
详细解释ccaabbr.carrier-controlled approach 载波控制进场;chimpanzee coryza agent 黑猩猩感冒试剂;current-controlled amplifier 电...
详细解释articles of association释义公司章程[执照];英英释义 Articles of associationIn corporate governance, a company's articles...
详细解释credit noten.保值单据,信用证; 变形 复数:credit notes 英英释义 Credit noteA credit note or credit memorandum (memo) is...
详细解释letter of creditn.(银行发行的)信用证; 变形 复数:letters of credit 英英释义 letter of credit n.a document issued by a...
详细解释capital gainn.资本利益,资本收益;英英释义 capital gain n.the amount by which the selling price of an asset exceeds the ...
详细解释share capital释义股本,股份资本;股金;英英释义 Share capitalShare capital or capital stock (US English)Glossary on Trad...
详细解释hurdle rate释义(投资预算)最低预期资本回收率;英英释义 Hurdle rateHurdle rate may refer to以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释floating charge释义不固定抵押;英英释义 Floating chargeA floating charge is a security interest over a fund of changing ...
详细解释contran.& adv.反对(地),相反(地); 变形 复数:contras 英英释义 Contrais a video game series produced by Konami compo...
详细解释FIFOabbr.First-In First-Out 先入先出(法);英英释义 FIFO[ 'faifu ]n.inventory accounting in which the oldest items (tho...
详细解释liquid assets释义流动资产;英英释义 liquid assets n.assets in the form of cash (or easily convertible into cash)同义词:...
详细解释fixed assetn.[经] 固定资产; 变形 复数:fixed assets 英英释义 Fixed assetFixed assets, also known as a liability or as p...
详细解释ordinary shares释义普通股;英英释义 ordinary shares n.stock other than preferred stock; entitles the owner to a share of...
详细解释opportunity cost释义机会成本;英英释义 opportunity cost n.cost in terms of foregone alternatives
详细解释 present value 净现值;nuclear polyhedrosis virus 核多面体病病毒;negative predictive value 阴性预测值;no pa...
详细解释cost accountingn.成本会计;英英释义 cost accounting n.keeping account of the costs of items in production
详细解释gearingn.传动装置;英英释义 gearing[ 'iri ]n.wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is...
详细解释write-downn.账面价值的故意降低;英英释义 write-down[ 'raitdaun ]n.(accounting) reduction in the book value of an asset同...
详细解释Expected Value释义预待值,预期值;英英释义 Expected Value n.the sum of the values of a random variable divided by the nu...
详细解释gross margin释义总利润,(销货)毛利;英英释义 gross margin n.the ratio gross profits divided by net sales同义词:margin...