共 33 个单词
突破两万词在路上莫停歇相关的的单词有【skin rash】【amur】【hayfield】【ultimo】【floristic】【Arlington】【insect repellent】【hunchbacked】【mustard dressing】【osso bucco】【wing it】【curbstone】【guardrail】【owlery】【whine about】【lilium】【autonomous region】【spiked heel】【malware】【cutesy】【drop shot】【work away】【bid farewell】【poliovirus】【navy bean】【dow】【saturated fat】【in preparation for】【bulgur】【fashionista】【romaine】【blocky】【chancel】等。
skin rash释义[医]皮疹;英英释义 skin rash n.any red eruption of the skin同义词:rashroseolaefflorescence
详细解释amur释义阿穆尔河(即黑龙江);英英释义 amur[ :'mu ]n.an Asian river between China and Russia; flows into the Sea of Okho...
详细解释hayfieldn.种秣草地;英英释义 hayfield[ 'heifi:ld ]n.a field where grass or alfalfa are grown to be made into hay同义词:...
详细解释ultimoadj.上月的;英英释义 ultimo[ 'ltimu ]adj.in or of the month preceding the present one同义词:ult
详细解释Arlingtonabbr.National Cemetery阿林顿国家公墓(在弗吉尼亚州);英英释义 Arlington[ ':litn ]n.a city in northern Texas be...
详细解释insect repellentn.杀虫剂;英英释义 insect repellent n.a chemical substance that repels insects同义词:insectifugeinsect ...
详细解释hunchbackedadj.驼背的;弓背;罗锅儿;英英释义 hunchbacked[ 'hntbkt ]adj.characteristic of or suffering from kyphosis, an...
详细解释wing itv.即兴表演;英英释义 Wing ItWing It is an animated short. The plot of which surrounds Sherman, an inventor desper...
详细解释curbstonen.路边石;场外交易的;偶感而发的;非专业的英英释义 curbstone[ 'k:b,stun ]n.a paving stone forming part of a cur...
详细解释guardrailn.栏杆,护轨;护栏; 变形 复数:guardrails 英英释义 guardrail[ ':dreil ]n.a railing placed alongside a stairway...
详细解释autonomous region释义自治区;英英释义 Autonomous regionAutonomous region is a designation for some types of autonomous a...
详细解释malwaren.恶意软件;恶意软件。malware是malicious software的合成形式;流氓软件;英英释义 MalwareBeast, a Windows-based bac...
详细解释drop shotn.扣球;短球;吊网前球;英英释义 drop shot n.a soft return so that the tennis ball drops abruptly after crossin...
详细解释work awayv.不停地连续工作;英英释义 WorkawayWorkaway is an organisation that enables travellers willing to work as volun...
详细解释poliovirusn.脊髓灰质炎病毒;英英释义 poliovirus[ ,puli:u'vairs ]n.the virus causing poliomyelitis
详细解释saturated fat释义(来自肉类和乳类的)饱和脂肪;英英释义 Saturated fatSaturated fat is fat that consists of triglycerides...
详细解释fashionistan.非常时髦的人;英英释义 FashionistaFashionista is a documentary-esque fashion show hosted by Lee Lin Chin on...
详细解释romaine中文拼写:罗曼名字含义:Roman的异体名字来源:拉丁语名字类别:女 英英释义 romaine[ ru'mein ]n.lettuce with long da...