共 36 个单词
全新版大学英语综合教程4第二版相关的的单词有【pass judgment on】【teach a lesson】【fellow man】【in cooperation with】【in bad condition】【stand in the way】【finger-pointing】【of a piece】【once-in-a-lifetime】【unequaled】【sweep aside】【kindliness】【be poised to】【mythologize】【so be it】【bide one's time】【a majority of】【cabdriver】【press ahead】【take revenge on】【go broke】【brokenhearted】【long after】【heaps of】【in the heart of】【get someone's hands on】【nerve center】【out-of-the-way】【night after night】【bring to a halt】【bullet point】【be overwhelmed with】【oddly enough】【be taken aback】【as i see it】【take a toll】等。
finger-pointingn. 相互指责;转嫁责任 英英释义 finger-pointing[ 'fi'pinti ]n.the imputation of blame"they want all the fi...
详细解释once-in-a-lifetimeadj.千载难逢的;英英释义 Once in a LifetimeOnce in a Lifetime, also known as Danielle Steel's Once in ...
详细解释unequaledadj.无与伦比的,无双的,不等同的;英英释义 unequaled[ ,n'i:kwld ]adj.radically distinctive and without equal"cr...
详细解释kindlinessn.厚道,亲切,友好的行为;英英释义 kindliness[ 'kaindlinis ]n.friendliness evidence by a kindly and helpful di...
详细解释mythologizev.讲神话;编神话;写神话;给神话分类 变形 过去式:mythologized过去分词:mythologized现在分词:mythologizing第...
详细解释cabdrivern.计程车司机,马车夫;英英释义 cabdriver[ 'kb,draiv ]n.someone who drives a taxi for a living同义词:taxidriver...
详细解释brokenheartedadj.心碎的,极度悲伤的,极度沮丧的;柔肠寸断;英英释义 brokenhearted[ 'brukn'h:tid ]adj.full of sorrow同义词...
详细解释nerve centern.神经元,神经中枢;英英释义 nerve center n.a center that provides information and control同义词:nerve cent...
详细解释out-of-the-wayadj.偏僻的,偏远的;非凡的,奇特的;乡僻;闭塞英英释义 out-of-the-way[ 'autv'wei ]adj.out of the ordinary"...
详细解释as i see it释义在我看来;英英释义 As I See ItAs I See It is a 2011 Indian book by politician L.K.以上来源于:Wikipedia