共 24 个单词
互联网常识相关的的单词有【ITU-T】【interconnection network】【noc】【DN(domain name)】【NMS】【smtp】【POP3】【pstn】【uucp】【multicast】【dialup】【TCP(transmission control protocol)】【PTT】【nntp】【directory service】【rfc】【Winsock】【kermit】【internet work】【nic】【cyberia】【IRC】【Anonymous FTP】【osi】等。
ITU-Tabbr.International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication Sector (国际电信联盟-电信标准局);英英释义 ITU-TThe ...
详细解释nocabbr.nociceptin 痛敏肽;nopaline catabolism 胭脂碱分解代谢;not otherwise classified 未另行保密;notation of content(...
详细解释uucpabbr.Unix到Unix的拷贝;英英释义 UUCPUUCP is an abbreviation of Unix-to-Unix Copy. The term generally refers to a sui...
详细解释TCP(transmission control protocol)英英释义 TCP(transmission control protocol) n.a protocol developed for the internet to...
详细解释PTTabbr.posts;Telegraphs and Telephones 邮电总局;英英释义 PTTPtt, abbreviation for , is the national post and telegrap...
详细解释directory service释义目录服务(程序),名录服务(程式);英英释义 Directory serviceA directory service is the software s...
详细解释Winsock释义[计] Winsock文件;英英释义 WinsockIn computing, the Windows Sockets API (WSA), which was later shortened to W...
详细解释nicabbr.network interface card 网络接口卡;newly industrializing country 新兴工业化国家;not in contact 在联系中;在接洽...
详细解释cyberian. 网络世界 英英释义 CyberiaCyberia is a West-Asian ISP that was established in 1995 by Transmog Inc. serving bra...
详细解释IRCabbr.Internet Relay Chatting , Internet 在线聊天系统;英英释义 IRCIRC is a system of handicapping sailboats and yacht...
详细解释Anonymous FTP释义匿名文件传送协议;英英释义 Anonymous FTP n.a common way to make software available; users are allowed t...