


Network News Transfer Protocol (USE-NET)网络新闻传输协议;




Common NNTP Extensions

Common NNTP Extensions

Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)

Repository Replication Using NNTP and SMTP

Repository Replication Using NNTP and SMTP

Today's Usenet Usage: NNTP Traffic Characterization

The National Neonatal Transport Programme (NNTP) 2004-2009

TCP/IP illustrated (vol. 3): TCP for transactions, HTTP, NNTP, and the Unix domain protocols

TCP/IP illustrated, volume 3: TCP for transactions, HTTP, NNTP and the UNIX Domain protocols

TCP/IP illustrated. TCP for transactions, HTTP, NNTP and the UNIX domain protocols. 3rd print. 3rd print



1. Input and maintain warehouse data in SAP system in NNTP.


2. All the common protocols, including HTTP 1.1, NNTP, X11 and so on, employ pipelining in one form or other.


3. Traffic analysis will be performed on specified ports. For HTTP, POP3, SMTP, IMAP or NNTP protocol traffic detection, it will be redirected to the appropriate component.


4. Establish self-inspection annual programme and plan, and coordinate with relevant department and NNTP self-inspectors to conduct self-inspection.


5. A customizable parser based on the news scheme using the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP).

基于使用网络新闻传输协议 (NNTP)的新闻方案的可自定义分析器。

6. There is an NNTP server for usenet-like access and complex search queries can be saved, and new or updated entries that match the query can be sent as daily e-mail notifications.


7. Create a customizable parser based on the news scheme using the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP).

创建一个基于使用网络新闻传输协议 (NNTP)的新闻方案的可自定义分析器。

8. Other spiders scour newsgroups with the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) or look for interesting news items in Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds.

其他spider 会使用网络新闻传输协议(NNTP)对新闻组进行遍历,或者寻找RSS(ReallySimpleSyndication)提要中有趣的新条目。

9. The vulnerability could allow remote code execution due to an incorrectly handled malformed NNTP response.


10. SendToNewsgroup - sends a message (article) to a newsgroup using the NNTP protocol.


11. TCP/IPIv3 is a combination of the protocols (T/TCP, HTTP, NNTP) along with some implementation (about 2,200 lines of kernel C code).


12. Alert sources can include RSS/Atom news feeds, POP3/IMAP e-mail, NNTP newsgroups, SOAP services (such as stock-quotes), and more.


13. For example, provided subclasses (in ols) include dns, ftp, gnutella, http, nntp, shoutcast, and many others.

例如,假设(ols 中的)子类包括dns 、ftp 、gnutella 、http 、nntp 、shoutcast以及其他许多协议。

14. Sub SendToNewsgroup(Newsgroup As String)Posts a message (article) to a news group specified by Newsgroup via the NNTP protocol.


15. The NNTP Checker component gets the latest posts to a specified newsgroup on an NNTP server.


16. The NNTP Checker component gets the latest posts to a specified newsgroup on an NNTP server.


17. No NNTP server is configured. Check your Mail and News preferences and try again.

未配置 nntp 服务器。请检查"邮件与新闻"首选项,然后重试。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]

18. The usenet, newsgroup and news searchengine were introduced, the NNTP was analyzed, the key flow of newssearching is illustrated by Petri net, and the way of newssearching by VB6.0 was given.


-- 来源 -- 网友提供

19. NNTP: Network News Transfer Protocol


-- 来源 -- 计算机缩写术语完全介绍[网络]