共 67 个单词
leave同义的单词有【sally forth】【skiddoo】【skidoo】【take the road】【take to the road】【permissions】【permissiveness】【be away from】【placet】【turn aside from】【okeydoke】【drop away】【run along】【furlough】【licensure】【go out of】【set off for】【be out of】【be away】【push off】【sabbatical】【go forth】【draw away】【assentation】【fall away】【move away】【walk off】【to put off】【be off】【head for】【sally】【get going】【fall off】【start out】【pull away】【shove off】【unanimity】【get out】【okey】【set forth】等。
sally forthv.出发,动身;英英释义 sally forth v.set out in a sudden, energetic or violent manner同义词:sally out
详细解释skidoovi.走开,离开;英英释义 Skidoocreature comfort]s, technology, anti-technology, hippies, free love and then-prevale...
详细解释take the roadv.出发;英英释义 take the road v.give theatrical performances while traveling from town to town
详细解释permissionsn.允许,许可,准许( permission的名词复数 );英英释义 permission[ p:'minz ]n.approval to do something"he asked...
详细解释permissivenessn.许可;英英释义 permissiveness[ p'misivnis ]n.a disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior同义词...
详细解释placetn.赞成,赞成票;英英释义 PlacetPlacet is a fictional planet that appeared in the Science Fiction story Placet is a...
详细解释furloughn.(军队的)休假;vt.准…休假; 变形 复数:furloughs过去式:furloughed过去分词:furloughed现在分词:furloughing第...
详细解释licensuren.发给许可证;英英释义 LicensureLicensure means a restricted practice requiring a license, which gives a "permi...
详细解释sabbaticaladj.休假的,公休的;n.学术休假; 变形 复数:sabbaticals 英英释义 sabbatical[ s'btikl ]n.a leave usually taken ...
详细解释go forth释义行军, 旅行;发布;英英释义 go forth v.go away from a place同义词:leavego awaycome out of同义词:issueemerg...
详细解释draw away释义(使)离开,移开;(在竞争中)领先于他人[物];英英释义 draw away v.move ahead of (one's competitors) in a r...
详细解释fall away释义离开;消瘦;英英释义 fall away v.get worse同义词:slipdrop offdrop awaydiminish in size or intensity同义词:...
详细解释move away释义离开;搬到别处去住;改变(见解);挪开英英释义 Move Away"Move Away"is the first single from Culture Club's ...
详细解释walk off释义离开;走开;使走开;用走路来消除英英释义 walk off v.take without permissiongo away from同义词:walk away
详细解释get goingv.出发,实行,使开动;英英释义 get going v.begin or set in motion同义词:startgostart to be active同义词:get c...
详细解释fall off释义减少;跌落;变坏;变瘦英英释义 fall off n.a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality同义词:slumps...
详细解释start out释义启程,出发;开始[着手]做;英英释义 start out v.take the first step or steps in carrying out an action同义词...
详细解释pull away释义(尤指车辆)开始移动;英英释义 pull away v.pull back or move away or backward同义词:withdrawretreatdraw ba...
详细解释get out释义出来;出版;(使)出现;作出英英释义 get out v.move out of or depart from同义词:exitgo outleavetake out of a...
详细解释okeyadj.好,对,行;adv.好,对,可以;n.同意;英英释义 okey[ 'u'kei, ,u'kei, 'ukei ]n.an endorsement同义词:O.K.OKokayok...