共 32 个单词
go-for-it九年级人教新目标相关的的单词有【Shen Nong】【part of speech】【first-aid】【flashcard】【Bridgeport】【Oxford University】【Hemingway】【go out of someone's way】【try someone's best】【be used for】【hair band】【emoticon】【be terrified of】【yellow river】【be bad for】【Cali】【learn by oneself】【knock into】【make a noise】【table manners】【national flag】【present perfect】【lead singer】【to start with】【clean out】【present progressive】【make mistakes】【Niagara Falls】【look forward】【to someone's surprise】【later on】【Mark Twain】等。
part of speechn.词性,词类; 变形 复数:parts of speech 英英释义 part of speech n.one of the traditional categories of w...
详细解释first-aidadj.急救的,急救用的;英英释义 first-aid[ 'f:st'eid ]n.emergency care given before regular medical aid can be o...
详细解释flashcardn.(教学用)抽认卡;英英释义 flashcard[ 'fl,k:d ]n.a card with words or numbers of pictures that are flashed to...
详细解释Oxford Universityn.牛津大学;英英释义 Oxford University n.a university in England同义词:Oxford
详细解释Hemingway释义海明威(姓氏; Ernest, 1899-1961,美国小说家,曾获1954年诺贝尔文学奖);英英释义 Hemingway[ 'hemiwei ]n.an ...
详细解释emoticonn.情感符; 变形 复数:emoticons 英英释义 emoticon[ i'mutikn ]n.a representation of a facial expression (as a smi...
详细解释yellow rivern.黄河;英英释义 yellow river n.a major river of Asia in northern China; flows generally eastward into the Y...
详细解释Cali释义卡利(哥伦比亚西部城市);英英释义 Cali[ 'k:li ]n.city in southwestern Colombia in a rich agricultural area
详细解释table mannersn.饭桌礼仪;英英释义 Table mannersTable manners are the rules of etiquette used while eating, which may als...
详细解释national flagn.国旗;英英释义 national flag n.an emblem flown as a symbol of nationality同义词:ensign
详细解释present perfectn.现在完成时;英英释义 present perfect n.a perfective tense used to express action completed in the prese...
详细解释clean out释义打扫;离开;肃清;使…失去钱财英英释义 clean out [ 'kli:naut ]v.empty completely同义词:clear outforce outd...
详细解释present progressive释义现在进行时;英英释义 present progressive n.a tense used to express action that is on-going at the...
详细解释later on释义以后;嗣后;他日;英英释义 later on adv.happening at a time subsequent to a reference time同义词:subsequent...
详细解释Mark Twainn.马克吐温(1835-1910,美国小说家);马克吐温;英英释义 Mark Twain n.United States writer and humorist best know...