




flashcard[ 'flæʃ,kɑ:d ]

n.a card with words or numbers of pictures that are flashed to a class by the teacher

同义词:flash card




Flashcard health education for British Asians with diabetes

A Comparison of Two Flashcard Drill Methods Targeting Word Recognition

Integrating a computer-based flashcard program into academic vocabulary learning

One-to-one teaching with pictures--flashcard health education for British Asians with diabetes.

The Use of a Modified Direct Instruction Flashcard System with Two High School Students with Developmental Disabilities

The Effects of a Direct Instruction Flashcard System on Multiplication Fact Mastery by Two High School Students with ADHD and ODD

The Effects of Direct Instruction Flashcard and Math Racetrack Procedures on Mastery of Basic Multiplication Facts by Three Elementa...

Effectiveness and efficiency of flashcard drill instructional methods on urban first-graders' word recognition, acquisition, mainten...

An Evaluation of a Direct Instructions Flashcard System on the Acquisition and Generalization of Numerals, Shapes, and Colors for Pr...

Computer-assisted second language vocabulary learning in a paired-associate paradigm: a critical investigation of flashcard software