共 23 个单词
The-Little-Prince小王子相关的的单词有【a flock of】【a hint of】【fairy-tale】【thriftily】【switchman】【express train】【pluck up】【tippler】【blundering】【a collection of】【boa constrictor】【hesitance】【rag doll】【locomotive engineer】【abloom】【indies】【coquettish】【rumpled】【clear-sighted】【get stuck】【disarrange】【lamplighter】【abruptly】等。
fairy-taleadj.出自神化故事的,宛如在童话故事中的;英英释义 fairy-tale[ 'friteil ]n.a story about fairies; told to amuse ...
详细解释thriftilyadv.节俭地;繁茂地;繁荣的;英英释义 thriftily[ 'riftili ] a thrifty manner"a used towel that he had used...
详细解释switchmann.转辙员; 变形 复数:switchmen 英英释义 switchman[ 'switmn ]n.a man who operates railroad switches
详细解释express train释义特别快车;特快;英英释义 Express trainExpress trains (also sometimes referred to as "fast trains", thou...
详细解释tipplern.酒鬼,酒量大的人;酒徒;翻笼;英英释义 tippler[ 'tipl ]n.someone who drinks liquor repeatedly in small quantiti...
详细解释blunderingadj.浮躁的,笨拙的,易犯错的;v.犯错误( blunder的现在分词 );踉踉跄跄地走;英英释义 blunder[ 'blndri ] emb...
详细解释boa constrictorn.大蟒蛇;王蛇; 变形 复数:boa constrictors 英英释义 boa constrictor n.very large boa of tropical Americ...
详细解释hesitancen.踌躇,犹豫;英英释义 hesitance[ 'hezitns ]n.a feeling of diffidence and indecision about doing something同义词...
详细解释rag dolln.碎布制玩偶,布洋娃娃; 变形 复数:rag dolls 英英释义 rag doll n.a cloth doll that is stuffed and (usually) pai...
详细解释locomotive engineer释义机车司机,火车司机;英英释义 locomotive engineer n.the operator of a railway locomotive同义词:en...
详细解释indiesabbr.independents 中立派,独立自主的;n.独立经营的电影院等( indie的名词复数 );英英释义 indie[ 'indiz ]n.a pop gro...
详细解释coquettishadj.(女子)卖弄风情的,妖艳的,迷人的;骚;轻佻;娇媚英英释义 coquettish[ ku'keti ] a coquette同义词:...
详细解释rumpledv.弄皱,使凌乱( rumple的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 rumpled[ 'rmpld ] disarray; extremely disorderly"a rum...
详细解释clear-sightedadj.目明的,聪明的,精明的;英英释义 clear-sighted[ 'kli'saitid ]adj.having sharp clear visionmentally acut...
详细解释get stuckv.受骗;卡;揢;英英释义 get stuck unable to move further同义词:grind to a haltbog downmire
详细解释disarrangevt.扰乱,弄乱;英英释义 disarrange[ ,dis'reind ]v.destroy the arrangement or order of"My son disarranged the p...
详细解释lamplightern.点燃街灯的灯夫,(点灯用的)纸捻(或小木板);英英释义 lamplighter[ 'lmp,lait ]n.(when gas was used for str...