共 50 个单词
GMAT大纲核心词汇相关的的单词有【chordate】【ideographic】【megalithic】【concentric circle】【antitrust law】【off-the-shelf】【letup】【prudery】【novocaine】【strep throat】【maladaptive】【cornstalk】【neuroleptic】【fava】【idioglossia】【dentition】【basketry】【sanitarium】【take issue】【live show】【pupation】【snapdragon】【aperiodic】【tamarind】【osprey】【parapsychology】【bona fides】【daylight saving time】【rhinovirus】【rough-hewn】【in full bloom】【bipedalism】【list price】【free market】【take precedence over】【logotype】【obstetrical】【enervation】【take issue with】【sale price】等。
chordaten.脊索动物;adj.脊索动物门的,有脊索的;英英释义 chordate[ 'k:deit ]n.any animal of the phylum Chordata having a...
详细解释ideographicadj.表意的;英英释义 ideographic[ ,idiu'rfik, ,aidi-,-kl ]adj.of or relating to or consisting of ideograms
详细解释megalithicadj.巨石造成的,用巨石的;英英释义 megalithic[ ,me'liik ]adj.of or relating to megaliths or the people who ere...
详细解释antitrust law释义反独占法,反托拉斯法;英英释义 antitrust law intended to promote free competition in the market p...
详细解释off-the-shelfadj.现成的,买来不用改就用的;英英释义 off-the-shelf[ 'f'elf, ':- ]adj.(especially of clothing) made in sta...
详细解释letupn.停止,中止,减弱;英英释义 letup[ 'letp ]n.a pause during which things are calm or activities are diminished"ther...
详细解释pruderyn.拘谨,(尤指对性问题)大惊小怪; 变形 复数:pruderies 英英释义 prudery[ 'pru:dri ]n.excessive or affected modes...
详细解释novocainen.奴佛卡因(一种麻醉药的商品名);英英释义 novocaine[ 'nuvukein ]n.procaine administered as a hydrochloride (tr...
详细解释strep throat释义脓毒性咽喉炎;英英释义 strep throat infection of the oral pharynx and tonsils by streptococcus同义词...
详细解释maladaptiveadj.(个体、物种等)不适应的,适应不良的;英英释义 maladaptive[ ,ml'dptiv ]adj.showing faulty adaptation
详细解释cornstalkn.谷类的秆;高个子;英英释义 cornstalk[ 'k:n,st:k ]n.the stalk of a corn plant同义词:corn stalk
详细解释neurolepticadj.安定(精神)的;英英释义 neuroleptic[ ,njuru'leptik ]n.tranquilizer used to treat psychotic conditions wh...
详细解释idioglossian.自解(言)语症,自语症;英英释义 IdioglossiaIdioglossia is a play by Mark Handley about a girl who grows up...
详细解释dentitionn.齿系 (齿列、牙列等);牙齿的加工;出牙;长牙英英释义 dentition[ den'tin ]n.the eruption through the gums of ...
详细解释basketryn.篮筐类;像篮筐类编织的物品;编制篮筐的技艺;(总称)篮子英英释义 basketry[ 'b:skitri ]n.the craft of basket ma...
详细解释sanitariumn.疗养院; 变形 复数:sanitariums 英英释义 sanitarium[ ,sni'trim ]n.a hospital for recuperation or for the tre...
详细解释take issue释义[法] 采取反对立场,持反对意见,不同意;英英释义 take issue of different opinions同义词:disagreediffe...
详细解释live show英英释义 Live ShowLive Show, originally titled Toro, is a Filipino film directed and written by Jose Javier Rey...
详细解释snapdragonn.金鱼草; 变形 复数:snapdragons 英英释义 snapdragon[ 'snpdrgn ]n.a garden plant of the genus Antirrhinum hav...
详细解释aperiodicadj.非周期性的;不定期的;非周期的;(振动等)非周期的英英释义 aperiodic[ ,eipiri'dik ]adj.not recurring at reg...
详细解释tamarindn.罗望子,罗望子树;罗望子果实; 变形 复数:tamarinds 英英释义 tamarind[ 'tmrind ]n.long-lived tropical evergree...
详细解释ospreyn.鹗; 变形 复数:ospreys 英英释义 osprey[ 'sprei, -pri ]n.large harmless hawk found worldwide that feeds on fish ...
详细解释parapsychologyn.诡异心理学,通灵学;超心理;英英释义 parapsychology[ ,prsai'kldi ]n.phenomena that appear to contradict ...
详细解释daylight saving timen.夏令时;夏时制;英英释义 Daylight saving timeDaylight saving time (DST)—also summer time in Briti...
详细解释rhinovirusn.鼻病毒;英英释义 rhinovirus[ ,rainu'vairs ]n.any of a group of picornaviruses that are responsible for many ...
详细解释rough-hewnadj.粗削的;粗制的;粗野的;下流的英英释义 rough-hewn[ 'rf'hju:n ]adj.of stone or timber; shaped roughly witho...
详细解释bipedalismn.用两足运动;英英释义 bipedalism[ 'baiped,lizm, ,baipi'dlti ]n.the bodily attribute of being bipedal; having ...
详细解释list pricen.订价,价目表所列的价格; 变形 复数:list prices 英英释义 list price n.the selling price of something as stat...
详细解释free marketn.自由市场; 变形 复数:free markets 英英释义 Free marketA free market is a market structure which is not con...
详细解释logotypen.成语铅字,连合活字;连铸铅字条;洛格铅字合金;英英释义 logotype[ 'lutaip, 'l:- ]n.a company emblem or device同...
详细解释obstetricaladj.产科(学)的,分娩的;英英释义 obstetrical[ b'stetrikl ]adj.of or relating to or used in or practicing ob...
详细解释enervationn.无活力,衰弱;英英释义 enervation[ ,en:'vein ]n.lack of vitality"an enervation of mind greater than any fati...