英式音标:[ˈɒspreɪ] 怎么读
美式音标:[ˈɑspreɪ] 怎么读
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n. [鸟] 鹗(一种鱼鹰,腹部羽毛为白色)
osprey[ 'ɔsprei, -pri ]
n.large harmless hawk found worldwide that feeds on fish and builds a bulky nest often occupied for years
同义词:fish hawkfish eaglesea eaglePandion haliaetus
Osprey is a kind of large hawk that preys on fish.
Bald eagles snatch fish from the water surface, rob osprey of fish, and eat carrion.
The Osprey ProcessOsprey: a network visualization system
Organochlorine residues in New Jersey osprey eggs
Osprey: Implementing MapReduce-style fault tolerance in a shared-nothing distributed database
North American osprey populations and contaminants: historic and contemporary perspectives
Mid-Atlantic Coast Osprey Population: Present Numbers, Productivity, Pollutant Contamination, and Status
Density dependence in a recovering osprey population: demographic and behavioural processes
Assessment of biological effects of chlorinated hydrocarbons in osprey chicks
Traveling or stopping of migrating birds in relation to wind: an illustration for the osprey
Organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, and mercury in osprey eggs — 1970–79 — and their relationships to shell thi...
osprey: [15] Etymologically, the osprey is simply a ‘bird of prey’. Its name comes from ospreit, the Old French descendant of Vulgar Latin *avispreda, which in turn was a conflation of Latin avis praedae ‘bird of prey’ (avis is the source of English augur, auspice, aviary, and aviation, and praeda is the ancestor of English prey).The specific association with the ‘osprey’ came about in Old French through confusion with the coincidentally similar osfraie ‘osprey’. This meant etymologically ‘bone-breaker’. It came from Latin ossifraga, a compound formed from os ‘bone’ (source of English ossify [18]) and frangere ‘break’ (source of English fracture, fragment, etc).It was originally applied to the lammergeier, a large vulture, in allusion to its habit of dropping its prey from a great height on to rocks beneath in order to break its bones, but was subsequently also used for the osprey.=> aviary, prey
osprey (n.)
fishing hawk, mid-15c., from Anglo-French ospriet, from Medieval Latin avis prede "bird of prey," from Latin avis praedæ, a generic term apparently confused with this specific bird in Old French on its similarity to ossifrage.
1. Never, even among animals, does the creature born to be a dove change into an osprey.
2. The Osprey is described as a ‘true global traveller’ that is found in every continent except Antarctica.
鱼鹰被喻为‘真正的全球旅行者’,因为除了南极洲之外,其他洲都可觅它们的踪影。 这本书中这样描写它,“最近几年,这种猎鱼专家在数量上有所回升。”
3. A duck flies off in alarm as an osprey swoops in to catch its lunch.
4. Starting in 1989, then-secdef Dick Cheney (before he became a supervillain) tried four times to ax the Osprey, an aircraft that takes off like a helicopter and cruises like a plane.
5. And a third picture by Peter Cairns, called ‘Osprey at work’, shows the bird creating a splash as it catches a fish in Pirkanmaa, Finland.
6. Professor Marshall said: "Osprey Reef is one of the many reefs in the Coral Sea Conservation Zone, which has been identified as an area of high conservation importance.
马歇尔教授说:“鱼鹰礁是珊瑚海保护区众多珊瑚礁之一,被确认为具有重要保护价值的地区。 因此,确认栖息此地的生态系统和物种很重要。
7. BAE Systems will develop an interim all-quadrant defensive weapon system for the CV-22 Osprey aircraft.
8. At dawn bin Laden was loaded into the belly of a flip-wing V-22 Osprey accompanied by a JSOC liaison officer and a security detail of military police.
9. The V-22 Osprey is a multi-mission, military tiltrotor aircraft with both a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) and short takeoff and landing (STOL) capabilities.
10. The first osprey chicks to be born in Northumberland for at least 200 years are fighting fit and getting ready for take-off.
11. F-117s and the CV-22 Osprey are featured prominently in the movie as both static background and taxiing aircraft.
12. This is the moment an osprey swooped down and snatched a trout straight out of the water.
13. Bald eagles snatch fish at the water surface, rob osprey of fish, and eat carrion.
14. Some of those species on the upland and salt marsh areas are Canada Geese, Yellow, Common Yellowthroat and Redstart warblers, Osprey , Oystercatchers, Willets, and Tree Sparrow.
15. The Osprey flew south destined for the deck of the U.S.S. Carl Vinson—a thousand-foot-long nuclear-powered aircraft carrier sailing in the Arabian Sea off the Pakistani coast.
16. Some officials worried that the Pakistanis stung by the humiliation of the unilateral raid in Abbottabad might restrict the Osprey’s access.
17. The LAMV uses one-fourth of the fuel per passenger mile used by the tilt-rotor V-22 Osprey or high performance helicopters.
18. It took $26 billion, 30 dead crewmembers, and 25 years of development, but the Osprey eventually flew.
19. We believe this award is an indication of the confidence that Bell Helicopter has in Ducommun and our ability to support the V-22 Osprey program.
我们认为,这个合同暗示着一种信心:贝尔直升机公司和Ducommun有能力支持的V-22鱼鹰计划。” (工业和信息化部电子科学技术情报研究所 李亦豪)
20. Species like the bald eagle, peregrine falcon and osprey nearly disappeared.
21. Some of those species on the upland and salt marsh areas are canada geese , yellow , common yellowthroat and redstart warblers , osprey , oystercatchers , willets , and tree sparrow.
22. A few minutes later I glanced up and noticed soaring high above was an Osprey.
23. The outlook for construction of the helipads remains uncertain, however, as local residents oppose further construction due to noise and other concerns over their use by Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft.
24. Species like the bald eagle, peregrine falcon and osprey nearly disappeared.
25. An osprey is flying over the water.
26. An osprey is flying over the water.
27. "Bald eagles snatch fish at the water surface, rob osprey of fish, and eat carrion."
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 生命
28. long white osprey
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]
29. The osprey has spread his wings to follow the roc on his journey-of a successful graduate
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 习语
30. short white osprey
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]
31. middle white osprey aigrette
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]