共 434 个单词
EnglishPod相关的的单词有【scaredy】【scaremongering】【cacao bean】【seem to be】【candy cane】【serious-minded】【a cut above】【sicko】【side track】【pasteurize】【chick flick】【skimmed milk】【sleepwear】【peeping Tom】【chinaware】【chronicles】【take five】【take the day off】【slowly but surely】【make it big】【picket fence】【co-pay】【be up for】【bean bag】【rangoon】【cold cuts】【facial hair】【each and every】【through the roof】【hands down】【spring to mind】【megapixel】【mellow out】【far out】【earthling】【egg drop soup】【gable roof】【have a fit】【starter motor】【step on it】等。
scaremongeringn.散布恐怖消息;制造恐慌;危言耸听;英英释义 scaremonger[ 'sk,m, -m- ]n.a person who spreads frightening r...
详细解释cacao beann.可可豆;英英释义 cacao bean n.seed of the cacao tree; ground roasted beans are source of chocolate同义词:co...
详细解释candy cane释义一种红白相间的棒糖;英英释义 candy cane n.a hard candy in the shape of a rod (usually with stripes)
详细解释serious-mindedadj.认真的;英英释义 serious-minded[ 'siris'maindid ]adj.acting with or showing thought and good sense同义...
详细解释sickon.有精神病的人,道德败坏的人;英英释义 SickoSicko is a 2007 documentary film by Michael Moore.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释side track释义侧线;英英释义 side track n.a short stretch of railroad track used to store rolling stock or enable trains...
详细解释pasteurizevt.用巴氏灭菌法对(牛奶等)消毒(灭菌); 变形 过去式:pasteurized过去分词:pasteurized现在分词:pasteurizing第...
详细解释chick flickn.针对女性的浪漫电影;言情片; 变形 复数:chick flicks 英英释义 Chick flickChick-flick is a slang term for a ...
详细解释skimmed milkn.脱脂乳;英英释义 skimmed milk n.milk from which the cream has been skimmed同义词:skim milk
详细解释sleepwearn.睡衣裤;英英释义 sleepwear[ 'sli:pw ]n.garments designed to be worn in bed同义词:nightwearnightclothes
详细解释peeping Tomn.好偷看的人;英英释义 peeping Tom n.a viewer who enjoys seeing the sex acts or sex organs of others同义词:v...
详细解释chinawaren.陶瓷器;英英释义 chinaware[ 'tainw ]n.dishware made of high quality porcelain同义词:china
详细解释chroniclesn.编年史( chronicle的名词复数 );v.将(某事物)载入编年史( chronicle的第三人称单数 );英英释义 chronicle[ 'krn...
详细解释slowly but surely释义缓慢但扎实地,稳扎稳打地;英英释义 Slowly but SurelySlowly but Surely is a studio album released in...
详细解释picket fencen.尖桩篱栅; 变形 复数:picket fences 英英释义 picket fence n.a fence made of upright pickets同义词:paling
详细解释bean bagn.(用塑料或橡胶块填充的)豆袋坐垫; 变形 复数:bean bags 英英释义 bean bag n.a small cloth bag filled with drie...
详细解释rangoonn.仰光(缅甸首都);英英释义 rangoon[ r'u:n ]n.the capital and largest city of Myanmar; located in the south near...
详细解释facial hair释义[医]面毛;英英释义 Facial hairFacial hair is a secondary sex characteristic of human males. Men typically...
详细解释hands downadv.唾手可得地,容易地;英英释义 hands down [ 'hndzdaun ]adj.achieved without great effort同义词:hands-downad...
详细解释mellow out释义放松;英英释义 mellow out v.become more relaxed, easygoing, or genial同义词:mellowmelt
详细解释far out释义最新的,激进的;英英释义 far out adj.informal terms; strikingly unconventional同义词:far-outkinkyoffbeatquir...
详细解释earthlingn.(科幻小说中外星球人谈话时使用的)地球人; 变形 复数:earthlings 英英释义 earthling[ ':li ]n.an inhabitant of...
详细解释egg drop soup英英释义 Egg drop soupChinese] [[soup of wispy beaten eggs in boiled chicken broth. Condiments such as blac...
详细解释gable roofn.人字形屋顶,三角形屋顶;英英释义 gable roof n.a double sloping roof with a ridge and gables at each end同义词...
详细解释have a fitv.大发脾气,大为烦恼,大吃一惊;释义勃然大怒;英英释义 have a fit v.get very angry and fly into a rage同义词:...
详细解释starter motor释义起动电动机;英英释义 starter motor n.an electric motor for starting an engine同义词:starterstarting mo...
详细解释step on it释义赶快,加把劲,加大油门;英英释义 Step on ItStep On It is a German release EP by Swedish band Teddybears ST...