egg drop soup
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egg drop soup词义
Egg drop soup
Chinese] [[soup of wispy beaten eggs in boiled chicken broth. Condiments such as black pepper or white pepper, and finely chopped scallions and tofu are also commonly added.
egg drop soup用法
Egg Drop SoupEgg Drop Soup
Egg Drop Soup
Egg drop soup platelets: gross bacterial contamination of a platelet product
Research on improving rehydration of shellfish meat in egg drop soup
Research on Fast Food-Egg Drop Soup of Shellfish Production Technology
Elizabeth Carrion: Colombian Egg Drop Soup
Development of Egg drop soup for Japanese Space Food
Egg Drop Soup, Central Style
Unclumping your egg drop soup.(Knight Ridder Newspapers)
Asparagus Makes Nutritious Complement to Egg-Drop Soup
Eggs form white ribbons in egg drop soup
Egg Drop Soup to Stracciatella