共 265 个单词
2006年至2015年考研英语一真题词汇相关的的单词有【scientific method】【scientific community】【set apart from】【casual sex】【cast a glance at】【a package deal】【a group of】【patent holder】【pay packet】【take position】【personality disorder】【aerial photography】【social networks】【make contribution】【physical disabilities】【physical fitness】【be fearful of】【be unlikely to】【the bulk of】【The majority of】【default setting】【special interest】【marketing department】【marketing intelligence】【mass communication】【reality check】【college degree】【the Supreme Court】【spot-on】【designed to】【mean value】【medicalize】【receive from】【memento mori】【federal government】【federal court】【educational system】【billingual】【in a manner】【in large】等。
scientific method释义科学方法;英英释义 scientific method n.a method of investigation involving observation and theory t...
详细解释scientific community释义科学界;英英释义 Scientific communityThe scientific community is a diverse network of interactin...
详细解释casual sex释义滥交:指一种会发生性交行为的活动,活动中的人物不存在情侣关系。;英英释义 Casual Sex"Casual Sex"is a song b...
详细解释pay packetn.(附工资及工资单的)工资袋,工资,薪水; 变形 复数:pay packets 英英释义 pay packet n.wages enclosed in an e...
详细解释personality disorder释义病态人格;英英释义 personality disorder n.inflexible and maladaptive patterns of behavior
详细解释aerial photographyn.空中摄影,空中照相术;航空照相;英英释义 Aerial photographyAerial photography is the taking of photo...
详细解释social networks释义社交网络;英英释义 Social NetworksSocial Networks is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal cover...
详细解释physical fitness释义身体健全;英英释义 physical fitness n.good physical condition; being in shape or in condition同义词:...
详细解释special interest释义[法] 特殊工商企业集团;英英释义 special interest n.an individual or group who are concerned with som...
详细解释marketing intelligence英英释义 Marketing intelligenceMarketing intelligence (MI) is the everyday information relevant to...
详细解释mass communicationn.大众传播工具;英英释义 Mass communicationMass communication is the study of how individuals and enti...
详细解释reality checkn.真情实况;现实的提醒; 变形 复数:reality checks 英英释义 reality check n.an occasion on which one is rem...
详细解释mean valuen.平均数[值];平均值;英英释义 mean value n.an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the nu...
详细解释memento morin.死的象征;英英释义 memento mori [ me'mentu'murai ]n.a reminder (as a death's head) of your mortality
详细解释federal governmentn.联邦政府;英英释义 federal government n.a government with strong central powers
详细解释federal court释义[法] 联邦法院;英英释义 federal court n.a court establish by the authority of a federal government