receive from
英式音标:[riˈsi:v frɔm] 怎么读
美式音标:[rɪˈsiv frʌm] 怎么读
词汇归类 3E少儿英语听读写三级 有本单词书入门强化进阶版 有本单词书高中学习版 2006年至2015年考研英语一真题词汇 考研英语词汇
receive from词义
从…获得, 收到(某物);
receive from用法
I received a cable from New York.
We receive a fax of the order this morning.
Antigen-Loading Compartments for Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Molecules Continuously Receive Input from AutophagosomesMHC class II antigen loading compartments continuously receive input from autophagosomes
Seniority and experience of college teachers as related to evaluations they receive from students
What information do physicians receive from pharmaceutical representatives?
Informal carers of older family members: how they manage and what support they receive from respite care
Weight loss advice U.S. obese adults receive from health care professionals.
Convex Optimization-based Beamforming: From Receive to Transmit and Network Designs
How Much Care Do the Aged Receive from Their Children? A Bimodal Picture of Contact and Assistance
Fetal neocortical transplants grafted to the cerebral cortex of newborn rats receive afferents from the basal forebrain, locus coeru...
Which terminally ill cancer patients in the United Kingdom receive care from community specialist palliative care nurses?