共 23 个单词
高中标准词汇表相关的的单词有【short wave】【Christmas card】【agree to do something】【the British】【the Arctic Ocean】【pl.】【the North】【digital versatile disk】【stop to do something】【get on with someone】【pron.】【knock into someone】【the United States of America】【U.S.A.】【U.K.】【maple leaves】【read-only memory】【card games】【ballpoint pen】【put on a performance】【from mouth to mouth】【U.N.】【Dept.】等。
short wave释义短波;英英释义 short wave n.a radio wave with a wavelength less than 100 meters (a frequency greater than ...
详细解释Christmas cardn.圣诞卡片; 变形 复数:Christmas cards 英英释义 Christmas card n.a card expressing a Christmas greeting
详细解释the United States of America释义美国,美利坚合众国;英英释义 The United States of AmericaThe United States of America wa...
详细解释U.S.A.abbr.美国(=United States of America);英英释义 U.S.A.n.North American republic containing 50 states - 48 contermin...
详细解释U.K.abbr.大英联合王国(=United Kingdom);英英释义 U.K.n.a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British I...
详细解释read-only memoryn.只读内存;英英释义 read-only memory n.(computer science) memory whose contents can be accessed and rea...
详细解释ballpoint penn.原子笔;英英释义 ballpoint pen n.a pen that has a small metal ball as the point of transfer of ink to pap...
详细解释U.N.n.联合国;英英释义 U.N.n.an organization of independent states formed in 1945 to promote international peace and sec...