police academy


police academy词义





police academy

n.an academy for training police officers

police academy用法



Police Academy

Police Academy

Police Academy

Police academy training: comparing across curricula

Police Academy Training: Why Hasn'T It Kept Up With Practice?

Police academy training: are we teaching recruits what they need to know?

Police academy fitness training at the Police Training Institute, University of Illinois

The Revised NEO Personality Inventory as Predictor of Police Academy Performance

‘There Oughtta Be a Law Against Bitches’: Masculinity Lessons in Police Academy Training

On Teaching Features of the Professional Integrated Training of the Armed Police Academy

Association Between Alexithymia and Neuroendocrine Response to Psychological Stress in Police Academy Recruits

Association between childhood trauma and catecholamine response to psychological stress in police academy recruits.

Prior night sleep duration is associated with psychomotor vigilance in a healthy sample of police academy recruits.