共 40 个单词
雅思写作真经总纲机考笔试综合版相关的的单词有【peacockery】【take step】【make contribution】【become involved in】【the elderly】【space exploration】【impart knowledge】【in this day and age】【try doing】【home cooking】【dress parade】【public service advertising】【public transit】【critical thinking】【take public】【NGO】【outdoor activity】【make progress in】【in jail】【the old】【spend in】【do one's part】【rural areas】【set the tone】【mixed bag】【public good】【at the expense】【reduce pollution】【optimise】【carry weight】【child rearing】【carbon footprint】【be overwhelmed with】【ever-expanding】【make a trip to】【foreign language】【global village】【learn by rote】【middle ground】【move forward】等。
space exploration释义空间探索;英英释义 Space explorationSpace exploration is the discovery and exploration of outer spa...
详细解释dress paraden.阅兵典礼;英英释义 Dress ParadeDress Parade is a 1927 silent romance drama produced by William Sistrom and...
详细解释public transit释义公共交通,公共运输;英英释义 public transit n.a public transportation system for moving passengers
详细解释critical thinking释义批判性思维;英英释义 Critical thinkingCritical thinking is a way of deciding whether a claim is alw...
详细解释NGOn.“non-governmental organization”的缩写,就是非政府组织。;英英释义 NGO[ ,en di: 'u ]n.an organization that is not ...
详细解释set the tone释义定调子;英英释义 Set the ToneSet the Tone were a Scottish electronic dance group, formed by Kenny Hyslop...
详细解释mixed bagn.杂集,混合体,大杂烩;英英释义 mixed bag n.a collection containing a variety of sorts of things同义词:assort...
详细解释public good释义[经] 公益;英英释义 Public goodIn economics, a public good is a good that is both non-excludable and non-...
详细解释optimisevt.使最优化,使尽可能有效;英英释义 optimise[ 'ptimaiz ]v.make optimal; get the most out of; use best同义词:opt...
详细解释carbon footprintn.碳足迹,一个计算二氧化碳的新词,也称作“碳排放”;英英释义 Carbon footprintA carbon footprint has hist...
详细解释foreign languagen.外文,外语;外国语;英英释义 Foreign languageA foreign language is a language indigenous to another co...
详细解释global village释义地球村;英英释义 Global VillageGlobal Village was a leading manufacturer Global Village Fax/Modem/Ethe...
详细解释middle groundn.妥协,中间立场;水道边浅滩;英英释义 Middle GroundMiddle ground off the harbour.以上来源于:Wikipedia