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THE RANCH AT RIDGEVIEW APARTMENTSHow to Watch Aladdin: How the Increasing Number of Main Character Actions in Disney Films Over Time Reflects a Changing Perception o...
When Sound Bites Become the News: a Case Study on Manufacturing News in Croatia
Protein complexes involved in endocytosis and signaling of the α_1-adrenoceptors
Determinants of Willingness to Become Organ Donors among Dialysis Patients' Family Members
What these young farmers say. II. Become involved? Just ask us
Isolation and proteomic characterization of the Arabidopsis Golgi defines functional and novel components involved in plant cell wal...
Why Do Parents Become Involved in Their Children's Education?
Why do CFOs become involved in material accounting manipulations? ☆
Molecular events involved in transcriptional activation of heat shock genes become progressively refractory to heat stimulation duri...