共 143 个单词
金融专业高频词汇相关的的单词有【run up】【boil down to】【upfront】【venture capital】【expiration date】【bow out】【either or】【semiannual】【look ahead】【map out】【spark off】【push out】【roll over】【underprice】【settle up】【pin down】【hedge fund】【embark on】【periodicity】【strive to】【go along】【rest with】【long shot】等。
run up释义升起;(使)增长;迅速地登上;沿…迅速地移动英英释义 run up n.a substantial increase over a relatively short p...
详细解释venture capitaln.风险资本;英英释义 venture capital n.wealth available for investment in new or speculative enterprises同...
详细解释expiration daten.截止日期;产品有效期;英英释义 Expiration DateExpiration Date (2006) is an independent black comedy fil...
详细解释bow out释义躬身送(某人)出门;放弃做(某事);退出;英英释义 bow out v.remove oneself from an obligation同义词:chicken...
详细解释semiannualadj.每半年的,半年的;英英释义 semiannual[ ,semi'njul, 'semai- ]adj.occurring or payable twice each year同义词...
详细解释map out释义在地图上标出;筹划[安排]某事;详细提出某事;规英英释义 map out v.plan, delineate, or arrange in detail同义词:...
详细解释spark off释义导致, 为…的直接原因;英英释义 spark off v.put in motion or move to act同义词:tripactuatetriggeractivates...
详细解释roll over释义从(边上)滚下, (使)翻滚, (使)打滚;折;英英释义 roll over n.the act of changing the institution that...
详细解释underpricevt.使定价太低; 以低价与…竞争;英英释义 underprice[ ,nd'prais ]v.sell at artificially low prices同义词:dump
详细解释pin down释义把…固定住;使动弹不得;迫使作出决定;采取行动英英释义 pin down v.define clearly同义词:peg downnail downnar...
详细解释hedge fund释义避险基金,对冲基金,套头基金; 变形 复数:hedge funds 英英释义 hedge fund n.a flexible investment company ...
详细解释periodicityn.定期,周期性;周律;英英释义 periodicity[ ,piri'disiti ]n.the quality of recurring at regular intervals同义...
详细解释go along释义进行;赞同;兜风;陪伴英英释义 go along v.cooperate or pretend to cooperate同义词:play alongcontinue a cert...