共 143 个单词
金融专业高频词汇相关的的单词有【stock up】【clear out】【wrestle with】【go up to】【trade off】【plowback】【tranche】【categorise】【sole proprietor】【bespoke】【current assets】【institutional investor】【quadratic】【lame duck】【appear on】【brick and mortar】【close out】【lapdog】【pension fund】【wide-eyed】【lip service】【sail through】【make shift】【spin out】【mess around】【shuck】【contrarian】【inviolate】【economise】【drain away】【lock up】【prying】【scale back】【carpool】【prime cost】【be bound by】【ever-present】【endpoint】【overheads】【preference shares】等。
clear out释义清除;(使)离开;洗劫一空;离家英英释义 clear out v.move out and leave nothing behindclear out the chest a...
详细解释trade off释义交换物品[人];英英释义 trade off n.an exchange that occurs as a compromise同义词:tradeofftrade-off
详细解释tranchen.国际货币基金贷款划分的“部分”; 变形 复数:tranches 英英释义 tranche[ tr:n ]n.a portion of something (especial...
详细解释categorisevt.把…归类,把…列作;英英释义 categorise[ 'ktiraiz ]v.place into or assign to a category同义词:categorize
详细解释bespokeadj.订做的;专做订货的;英英释义 bespoke[ bi'spuk ]adj.of clothing同义词:bespokenmade-to-ordertailoredtailor-mad...
详细解释current assetsn.流动资产; 变形 复数:current assets 英英释义 current assets n.assets in the form of cash (or easily con...
详细解释institutional investor释义金融机构投资者,有组织的集体投资者;英英释义 Institutional InvestorInstitutional Investor maga...
详细解释quadraticadj.二次的;n.二次方程式;英英释义 quadratic[ kw'drtik ]n.an equation in which the highest power of an unknown ...
详细解释lame duckn.无用的人,投机者;释义落选的议员; 变形 复数:lame ducks 英英释义 lame duck n.an elected official still in of...
详细解释brick and mortaradj.实际存在的;实体的;具体的;(公司等)有厂房和店铺的英英释义 Brick and mortarBrick and mortar (also ...
详细解释close out释义减价抛售(货物),削价处理(货物);英英释义 close out n.a sale intended to dispose of all remaining stock同...
详细解释lapdogn.供玩赏用的小狗;叭儿狗;巴儿狗;英英释义 lapdog[ 'lpd ]n.a dog small and tame enough to be held in the lap
详细解释pension fund释义养老基金,退休基金;英英释义 pension fund n.a fund reserved to pay workers' pensions when they retire fr...
详细解释wide-eyedadj.睁大眼睛的,吃惊的,天真的;天真的;吃惊的;英英释义 wide-eyed[ 'waid,aid ]adj.exhibiting childlike simplic...
详细解释lip servicen.说得好听的话,空口的应酬话;空口答应[应酬话];口惠;英英释义 lip service n.an expression of agreement that ...
详细解释sail through释义(使)顺利通过…;英英释义 sail through v.succeed at easily同义词:breeze throughacepass with flying col...
详细解释make shift释义勉强使用,将就;英英释义 make shift n.something contrived to meet an urgent need or emergency同义词:makes...
详细解释mess around释义胡闹,弄乱;粗鲁地对待;英英释义 mess around v.do random, unplanned work or activities or spend time idly...
详细解释inviolateadj.不受侵犯的;未受损害的;英英释义 inviolate[ in'vailt, -leit,-leitid ]adj.(of a woman) having the hymen unbr...
详细解释economisevi.节省,减少开支;英英释义 economise[ i'knmaiz ]v.spend sparingly, avoid the waste of同义词:saveeconomizeuse ...
详细解释drain away释义(使)流走[去];(使)减弱;(使)吸引走;(使)用尽[消耗完]英英释义 Drain Away"Drain Away"(stylized DRAIN...
详细解释lock up释义将…锁住[关押];关禁闭;钤;关英英释义 lock up n.jail in a local police station同义词:lockupthe act of locki...
详细解释pryingadj.爱打听的;v.打听,刺探(他人的私事)( pry的现在分词 );撬开;英英释义 prying[ 'praii ]n.offensive inquisitiven...
详细解释carpoolv.合伙使用汽车;拼车;英英释义 CarpoolCarpool is a web series presented by English actor and comedian Robert Llew...
详细解释endpointn.端点,终点;英英释义 endpoint[ 'end,pint ]n.a place where something ends or is complete同义词:end pointtermin...
详细解释overheadsn.(企业等的)日常管理费用;杂项开支;一般经费(overhead的复数);英英释义 overhead[ 'uvhedz ]n.the expense of ma...
详细解释preference sharesn.优先股;英英释义 preference shares n.stock whose holders are guaranteed priority in the payment of di...