共 63 个单词
重点高频词汇相关的的单词有【In exchange】【put something on】【upside down】【nce】【put something out】【in honor】【tonne】【milligram】【in control】【disapproving】【striped】【drugstore】【take notice of】【dishonest】【thickness】【entertainer】【in favor】【in memory of】【probable】【hairdresser】【varied】【customs】【faucet】【cheque】【bad-tempered】【sideways】【poisonous】【emphasis】【inability】【absent】【enquiry】【deaf】【refusal】【disapprove】【revision】【gallon】【lorry】【thorough】【yawn】【tidy】等。
upside downadv.颠倒,倒转;混乱地;冠履倒易;英英释义 upside down adj.being in such a position that top and bottom are r...
详细解释tonnen.吨,公吨; 变形 复数:tonnes 英英释义 tonne[ tn ]n.a unit of weight equivalent to 1000 kilograms同义词:metric to...
详细解释milligramn.毫克(千分之一克); 变形 复数:milligrams 英英释义 milligram[ 'milirm ]n.one thousandth (1/1,000) gram同义词...
详细解释in control释义在控制之下;英英释义 In ControlIn Control, US5's second studio album, was released in Germany on November ...
详细解释disapprovingadj.不满的,反对的;v.不赞成( disapprove的现在分词 );英英释义 disapproving[ ,dis'pru:vi ]adj.expressing or ...
详细解释stripedadj.有条纹的;有斑纹的;喝醉了的;英英释义 striped[ straipt, 'straipid ]adj.marked or decorated with stripes同义词...
详细解释drugstoren.药房(兼售化妆品等);〈美〉杂货店; 变形 复数:drugstores 英英释义 drugstore[ 'drst: ]n.a retail shop where ...
详细解释thicknessn.层;浓度;厚(度);最厚的部分 变形 复数:thicknesses 英英释义 thickness[ 'iknis ]n.the dimension through an ...
详细解释entertainern.表演者,演艺人员;款待者; 变形 复数:entertainers 英英释义 entertainer[ ,ent'tein ]n.a person who tries to...
详细解释in favor释义得到某人的尊重、赞同等;英英释义 in favor adv.favoring a proposition, opinion, etc.同义词:proin favor ofin ...
详细解释hairdressern.理发师;剪头或做头发的人; 变形 复数:hairdressers 英英释义 hairdresser[ 'h,dres ]n.someone who cuts or bea...
详细解释customsn.关税;海关;习惯( custom的名词复数);海关adj.定做的;专做定货的;英英释义 customs[ 'kstmz ]n.money collected un...
详细解释faucetn.水龙头; 变形 复数:faucets 英英释义 faucetn.a regulator for controlling the flow of a liquid from a reservoir同...
详细解释chequen.支票;na.“check”的变体; 变形 复数:cheques 双语释义n.(名词)[C]〈美〉支票 (special printed form on which one w...
详细解释bad-temperedadj.情绪恶劣的,脾气不好的,易怒的;英英释义 bad-tempered[ 'bd,tempd ]adj.perversely irritable同义词:crabbe...
详细解释sidewaysadv.斜着,斜向一边;以侧面对着;adj.斜向一边的; 双语释义adv.(副词)斜着,斜向一边 to, towards or from the side以侧...
详细解释poisonousadj.有毒的;有害的;恶意的;讨厌的 双语释义adj.(形容词)有毒的 containing poison引起中毒的,有害的 having the eff...
详细解释inabilityn.无能,无力;无才能;无能为力;英英释义 inability[ ,in'bilti ]n.lack of ability (especially mental ability) to...
详细解释enquiryn.询问;调查;查询;问讯处 变形 复数:enquiries 双语释义n.(名词)[C]打听,询问 (an act of) inquiring[C]调查,查问 an...
详细解释deafadj.聋的;不愿听的; 双语释义adj.(形容词)聋的 unable to hear anything or unable to hear very well[P]不愿听;不注意 n...
详细解释refusaln.拒绝;优先取舍权; 变形 复数:refusals 双语释义n.(名词)[U][C]拒绝 refusing or being refused[S]优先取舍权 right ...
详细解释disapprovevi.不赞成;vt.反对,否决;持相反的意见; 变形 过去式:disapproved过去分词:disapproved现在分词:disapproving第...
详细解释revisionn.修订,修改;修订本;校对;复审,上诉 变形 复数:revisions 双语释义n.(名词)[U]修订,修改 the act of revising[C]...
详细解释gallonn.加仑(容量单位); 变形 复数:gallons 双语释义n.(名词)[C]加仑 a measure of liquids 英英释义 gallon[ 'ln ]n.Unite...
详细解释lorryn.运货汽车,机动卡车; 变形 复数:lorries 双语释义n.(名词)[C]运货汽车,卡车 a big vehicle for carrying heavy things ...