共 241 个单词
航空专业英语相关的的单词有【center of gravity】【clearance】【decal】【airspeed】【fairing】【compositor】【fay】【dihedral】【consecutive】【empennage】【resin】【flight crew】【triplane】【valve】【downwash】【augmentor】【shut-off】【mach number】【exciter】【actuation】【pushbutton】【placeable】【cut-out】【turbofan】【avionics】【uncarpeted】【flight deck】【disengagement】【psig】【plano】【sideslip】【crew member】【standpipe】【containership】【FAA】【detent】【diffuser】【pop-up】【planform】【trunnion】等。
center of gravityn.重心;英英释义 center of gravity n.the point within something at which gravity can be considered to a...
详细解释clearancen.清洁,清扫;[建]净空;空隙,间隙;放行证 变形 复数:clearances 双语释义n.(名词)[U][C]净空; 余隙 the distance ...
详细解释decaln.(陶器、玻璃器皿的)贴花釉法,贴花纸; 变形 复数:decals 英英释义 decal[ 'di:kl, di'kl ]n.a design fixed to some ...
详细解释airspeedn.空速; 变形 复数:airspeeds 英英释义 airspeed[ 'spi:d ]n.the speed of an aircraft relative to the air in which...
详细解释fairingn.市场上买的礼物,酬谢礼品;光顺;英英释义 fair[ 'fri ]n.a traveling show; having sideshows and rides and games o...
详细解释compositorn.排字工人,排序; 变形 复数:compositors 英英释义 compositor[ km'pzit ]n.one who sets written material into t...
详细解释consecutiveadj.连续的,连贯的;[语]表示结果的; 双语释义adj.(形容词)连续的,连贯的 following continuously 英英释义 consec...
详细解释empennagen.尾部,尾翼;英英释义 empennage[ em'penid ]n.the rear part of an aircraft同义词:tailtail assembly
详细解释triplanen.(早期的)三翼飞机;英英释义 TriplaneTriplane is a Japanese rock band who has released multiple singles and al...
详细解释downwashn.因机翼所产生的下降气流;下洗;英英释义 DownwashIn aeronautics downwash is the air forced down by the aerodynam...
详细解释shut-offn.中止;英英释义 shut-offv.stem the flow of同义词:shut offclose offisolate or separate同义词:shut offclose off...
详细解释mach numbern.马赫数(飞行速度与音速的比例值);英英释义 mach number n.the ratio of the speed of a moving body to the spe...
详细解释excitern.刺激者;激励者;刺激物;兴奋剂英英释义 ExciterAn exciter (also called a harmonic exciter or aural exciter) is a...
详细解释actuationn.刺激,冲动;吸合;英英释义 actuation[ ,ktju'ein, -tu- ]n.the act of propelling同义词:propulsion
详细解释pushbuttonn.按钮;英英释义 PushbuttonPushbutton was a UK-based digital agency specialising in designing, developing, and...
详细解释placeableadj.可被确定位置(或年代)的,可被安置的;英英释义 placeable[ 'pleisbl ]adj.capable of being recognized同义词:...
详细解释cut-outn.(木头、纸上剪下的)图案,花样; 变形 复数:cut-outs 英英释义 cut-out[ 'ktaut ]n.a switch that interrupts an el...
详细解释turbofann.涡轮风扇喷气发动机;涡轮风扇喷气式飞机;英英释义 turbofan[ 't:bufn ]n.an airplane propelled by a fanjet engine...
详细解释avionicsn.航空电子设备,航空电子学,航空电子技术;英英释义 avionics[ ,eivi'niks ]n.science and technology of electronic ...
详细解释flight deckn.航空母舰的飞行甲板; 变形 复数:flight decks 英英释义 flight deck n.the upper deck of an aircraft carrier; ...
详细解释disengagementn.脱离;解开;解脱;解除婚约英英释义 disengagement[ disin'eidmnt ]n.the act of releasing from an attachment...
详细解释sideslipn.侧滑,私生子;vi.侧滑;英英释义 sideslip[ 'saidslip ]n.an unexpected slide同义词:skidslipa flight maneuver; a...
详细解释containershipn.货柜船;英英释义 containership[ kn'teinip ]n.a cargo ship designed to hold containerized cargoes同义词:c...
详细解释FAAabbr.Federal Aviation Administration 联邦航空局;英英释义 FAAn.an agency in the Department of Transportation that is ...
详细解释detentn.(机械中的)棘爪掣,止动器;(钟表等机件中的)擒纵装置;英英释义 detent[ di'tent ]n.a hinged catch that fits int...
详细解释diffusern.散布者,扩散体;扩散器;英英释义 diffusern.baffle that distributes sound waves evenly同义词:diffusoroptical d...
详细解释planformn.(从上向下看物体的)平面图,俯视图;英英释义 PlanformIn aviation, a planform is the shape and layout of a fixe...