共 83 个单词
考研英语真题短语97-12相关的的单词有【secular trend】【case in point】【chronological age】【pilot scheme】【be taken for granted】【play the part of】【faith will move mountains】【polar regions】【poised to】【an account of】【to the extent that】【stimulus package】【legal basis】【put up for】【for some time】【founding father】【free spirit】【established company】【good will】【auto pilot】【it never rains but it pours】【way ahead】【necessary condition】【to the point of】【case by case】【due out】【put right】【a body of】【catch up to】【a collection of】【Practice makes perfect】【have no use for】【Best practice】【haste makes waste】【in real time】【dedicated to】【reputation for】【in years to come】【funding agency】【charter school】等。
case in point释义例证;英英释义 case in point n.an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time同...
详细解释chronological agen.实足年龄(用途测定智商的数据),实龄;英英释义 chronological age n.age measured by the time (years an...
详细解释founding fathern.开国者,创立人; 变形 复数:founding fathers 英英释义 founding father n.a member of the Constitutional ...
详细解释free spiritn.无拘无束的人; 变形 复数:free spirits 英英释义 free spirit n.someone acting freely or even irresponsibly同...
详细解释good will释义[法] 善意;厚意;英英释义 good will n.a disposition to kindness and compassion同义词:gracegoodwill(account...
详细解释auto pilot释义自动驾驶仪;英英释义 auto pilot n.a cognitive state in which you act without self-awareness同义词:automat...
详细解释case by casen.具体问题具体分析,就事论事;英英释义 case by case adj.separate and distinct from others of the same kind同...
详细解释Best practice释义最优方法;英英释义 Best practiceA best practice is a method or technique that has consistently shown re...
详细解释in real time英英释义 in real time adv.without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening同义词:immediatelyinstantlys...
详细解释charter school释义契约学校,特许学校;英英释义 charter school n.an experimental public school for kindergarten through g...