to the extent that
英式音标:[tu: ðə iksˈtent ðæt] 怎么读
美式音标:[tu ði ɪkˈstɛnt ðæt] 怎么读
to the extent that词义
to the extent that用法
Cardboard's cheaper than leather in the short run.
His blindness is a great trial to him.
To The Extent That Participation is A Measure of Success: Transparency in the September 11th Victim Compensation FundDeparting from Bayesian inference toward minimaxity to the extent that the posterior distribution is unreliable
Translating the Structure of "To the extent that"in Journalistic English
新闻语篇中to the extent that的汉译探究
Since the divorce statistics are increasing in the whole world and this increasing rate is to the extent that makes some countries c...
To the extent that he loved opera "a music not possible, something of opera, or crap like that"
Five Minutes with Neil Carberry,CBI: “To the extent that there is accessible academic work there, it will be used”.
Did royalties really impact on profits to the extent that coal companies believed? A case study of the Denbighshire Coalfield, 1870...
Are language and thought interdependent to the extent that only language makes intelligent thought possible?
"One active manager can only get out of a stock to the extent that somebody else gets in". (One on One).