共 45 个单词
美国英语中级上册相关的的单词有【change...into】【skin cancer】【so...that...】【basketball player】【martial artist】【play it safe】【ear plugs】【handling charge】【in panic】【stimulated】【off shore】【boiled water】【geomancer】【on shore】【How about?】【sunscreen lotion】【protect...from】【punching】【foul language】【fries】【kicking】【lucky charm】【American Indian】【fortuneteller】【flirt with】【cry over】【hit the sack】【be afraid to】【be bored with】【be alive with】【boiling water】【dishes】【at sunrise】【cloths】【bank teller】【take drugs】【painlessly】【have no heart】【go hand in hand with】【at sunset】等。
basketball player释义[体]篮球运动员;英英释义 basketball player n.an athlete who plays basketball同义词:basketeercager
详细解释handling chargen.手续费;英英释义 handling charge n.the cost of handling (especially the cost of packaging and mailing a...
详细解释off shoreadv.离岸,在近海处;英英释义 off shore adj.(of winds) coming from the land同义词:offshoreat some distance from...
详细解释on shore释义在陆地上, 上岸, 登陆;英英释义 on shore adj.(of winds) coming from the sea toward the land同义词:inshoreo...
详细解释punchingv.用拳猛击( punch的现在分词 );打孔;冲压;冲切英英释义 punch[ 'pnti ]n.(boxing) a blow with the fist同义词:clo...
详细解释friesn.炸薯条;v.油炸,油煎( fry的第三人称单数 );灼伤;英英释义 fries[ fraiz ]n.strips of potato fried in deep fat同义...
详细解释lucky charmn.幸运符;英英释义 Lucky Charm"Lucky Charm"is a 1989 single by The Boys. The single was their follow up to th...
详细解释American Indiann.美国印地安人; 变形 复数:American Indians 英英释义 American Indian n.a member of the race of people li...
详细解释fortunetellern.算命者,占卜者;半仙;英英释义 fortuneteller[ 'f:tn,tel ]n.a person who foretells your personal future同义...
详细解释flirt with释义[法] 调戏,调情,卖俏;玩弄;嬲;英英释义 flirt with v.take into consideration, have in view同义词:entert...
详细解释hit the sackv.就寝;英英释义 hit the sack v.prepare for sleep同义词:go to bedturn inbedcrawl inkip downhit the haysack ...
详细解释dishesn.盘( dish的名词复数 );餐具;一盘食物;外貌有吸引力的人英英释义 dish[ 'diiz ]n.a piece of dishware normally used ...
详细解释painlesslyadv.无痛地;英英释义 painlessly[ 'peinlisli ]adv.without pain"after the surgery, she could move her arms painl...