共 57 个单词
综合教程6高级英语相关的的单词有【self-aggrandizing】【pamphleteer】【tall tale】【philter】【late bloomer】【emerald green】【top-flight】【blue-blooded】【mnemonics】【on the warpath】【upwardly mobile】【juju】【wordsmith】【Panini】【make the cut】【go out of style】【darky】【cautionary tale】【kinsfolk】【Afro】【spoliation】【magic wand】【changeling】【take sb. for a ride】【futurity】【traditionary】【gold plate】【fraying】【edit out】【dooryard】【concern oneself with】【dashiki】【scientism】【fictionalize】【maugre】【drip-dry】【sumach】【tokenism】【reconcile to】【beside oneself】等。
self-aggrandizing自我扩张的自夸的 英英释义 self-aggrandizingadj.of or relating to or characteristic of self-aggrandizeme...
详细解释pamphleteern.小册子作者;vi.写小册子; 变形 复数:pamphleteers 英英释义 pamphleteer[ ,pmfli'ti ]n.a writer of pamphlets ...
详细解释tall talen.吹牛大话; 变形 复数:tall tales 英英释义 tall tale n.an improbable (unusual or incredible or fanciful) story
详细解释top-flightadj.第一流的,最高的;英英释义 top-flightadj.excellent; best possible同义词:top-holetopping
详细解释blue-bloodedadj.贵族的,系出名门的,纯种的;英英释义 blue-blooded[ 'blu:bldid ]adj.belonging to or characteristic of the...
详细解释mnemonicsn.记忆术,记忆法;记忆的,记忆术的( mnemonic的名词复数 );助记术;英英释义 mnemonics[ ni:'mniks ]n.a method or ...
详细解释on the warpath释义准备作战;盛怒,大发雷霆;英英释义 On the Warpath"On The Warpath"is a popular instrumental tune compos...
详细解释jujun.(某些西非部族所用的)物神,符咒; 变形 复数:jujus 英英释义 juju[ du:du: ]n.the power associated with a jujua cha...
详细解释Panini释义帕尼尼(公元前四世纪的印度语法学家);英英释义 Panini[ 'p:nini ]n.Indian grammarian whose grammatical rules fo...
详细解释cautionary tale释义警示故事;英英释义 Cautionary taleA cautionary tale is a tale told in folklore, to warn its hearer of...
详细解释kinsfolkn.亲属,血族;亲戚;亲人;英英释义 kinsfolk[ 'kinzfuk ]n.people descended from a common ancestor同义词:familyfa...
详细解释spoliationn.掠夺;英英释义 spoliation[ ,spuli'ein ]n.(law) the intentional destruction of a document or an alteration of...
详细解释changelingn.矮小丑陋的小孩,低能儿; 变形 复数:changelings 英英释义 changeling[ 'teindli ]n.a person of subnormal intel...
详细解释futurityn.未来;未来的事; 变形 复数:futurities 英英释义 futurity[ fju:'tju:riti ]n.the time yet to come同义词:futureh...
详细解释gold plate释义(总称)金器;金餐具;英英释义 gold plate n.tableware that is plated with golda thin plating of gold on so...
详细解释frayingv.(使布、绳等)磨损,磨破( fray的现在分词 );英英释义 fray[ 'freii ]n.a noisy fight同义词:affraydisturbanceruff...
详细解释dooryardn.庭院,前院,天井;门前庭院;英英释义 dooryard[ 'd:j:d ]n.a yard outside the front or rear door of a house
详细解释dashikin.(黑人穿的)颜色花哨的短袖套衫;英英释义 dashiki[ d:'i:ki: ]n.a loose and brightly colored African shirt同义词:...
详细解释scientismn.科学至上主义,科学态度;唯科学主义;英英释义 ScientismScientism or the "Church of Science"is a fictional reli...
详细解释fictionalizev.把(历史事件等)编成小说,使小说化; 变形 过去式:fictionalized过去分词:fictionalized现在分词:fictionali...
详细解释drip-dryvi.随洗随干;adj.随洗随干的,快干性的;英英释义 drip-dry[ 'drip'drai ]v.dry by hanging up wetadj.treated so as t...
详细解释sumachn.漆树;英英释义 sumach[ 'sju:mk ]n.a shrub or tree of the genus Rhus (usually limited to the non-poisonous member...
详细解释tokenism释义象征主义;英英释义 TokenismTokenism is the policy or practice of making a perfunctory gesture toward the inc...