emerald green

英式音标[ˈemərəld ɡri:n] 怎么读

美式音标[ˈɛmərəld ɡrin] 怎么读

词汇归类 旅游英语2000词 哈利波特与魔法石 小学核心词汇 有本单词书入门强化进阶版 有本单词书高中学习版 综合教程6高级英语

同义词 kelly bright-green

emerald green词义




emerald green用法




The background of my screen is a vivid green.

The vivid green and purple auroral colors are caused by high atmospheric oxygen and hydrogen reacting to a burst of incoming electrons.


Emerald Green

Emerald Green

Emerald Green

Designing with Gabions & Mattresses

The Remarkable Stable Emerald Green C60F15[CBr(CO2Et)2]3: The First [60]Fullerene That Is also the First [18]Trannulene

Intense near-infrared optical absorbing emerald green [60]fullerenes.

Three fabricated pigments (Han purple, indigo and emerald green) in ancient Chinese artifacts studied by Raman microscopy, energy‐d...

An Emerald Green Jaguar, A House on Nantucket, and an African Safari: Wish Lists and Consumption Dreams in Materialist Society

ChemInform Abstract: The Remarkably Stable Emerald Green C60F15[CBr(CO2Et)2]3: The First [60]Fullerene That Is also the First [18]Tr...

"An Emerald Green Jaguar, a House on Nantucket, and an African Safari:"Wish Lists and Consumption Dreams in Materialist Society

Degradation of Emerald green in oil paint and its contribution to the rapid change in colour of the Descente des vaches (1834–1835)...

Unique Ultralow 18π-Trannulenyl HOMO–LUMO Energy Gap of Photostable Emerald-Green D3d-2-Methylmalonato[60]fullerenes

Emerald-green urine associated with Cuprex therapy.