共 158 个单词
campon.(南美洲的)草原; 变形 复数:campos 英英释义 CampoVila de So Martinho do Campo is an important town in the munic...
详细解释Balkansabbr.Balkan mountains;peoples; and states in south-eastern Europe 位于东南欧洲的巴尔干山脉;民族和国家英英释义 ...
详细解释philae释义菲莱岛(埃及北部);英英释义 PhilaePhilae (Greek: , Philai; Ancient Egyptian: Pilak, P'aaleq; , [fil]) is an i...
详细解释taxisn.整复法,排序;出租汽车( taxi的名词复数 ); 变形 复数:taxes 英英释义 taxis[ 'tksis ]n.a locomotor response toward...
详细解释piledadj.有细毛的;v.堆起( pile的过去式和过去分词 );堆叠;放置;装入英英释义 piled[ paild ]adj.thrown together in a pil...
详细解释airen.亚耳河(英国一河流);释义[地名] [法国] 艾尔河;英英释义 aire[ ' ]n.a river in northern England that flows southea...
详细解释south-westernadj.西南的,位于西南方的(国家);英英释义 south-westernn.a dialect of Middle English同义词:SouthwesternWe...
详细解释matchedadj.相配的;敌得过的;v.敌得过,和…相配(match的过去式和过去分词);英英释义 matched[ mtt ]adj.provided with a wor...
详细解释policemenn.警察;(男)警察( policeman的名词复数 );捕役;英英释义 policeman[ p'li:smn ]n.a member of a police force同义...
详细解释Lehmann.[姓氏]雷曼;[人名] 莱曼;[地名] [美国] 利曼;英英释义 LehmanLehman is a surname. Notable people with the surname...
详细解释well-connectedadj.精心构思的;出身名门的;有好亲戚的;血统关系好的英英释义 well-connected[ 'welk'nektid ]adj.connected b...
详细解释armouredadj.装甲的,武装的;配备有装甲车辆的;蛇皮管的;英英释义 armoured[ ':md ]adj.used of animals; provided with prot...
详细解释hostingn.群众或部队的集合,作战;英英释义 host[ 'husti ]n.a person who invites guests to a social event (such as a party...
详细解释Hussein释义侯赛因(姓氏);英英释义 Husseinn.Iraqi leader who waged war against Iran; his invasion of Kuwait led to the ...
详细解释venezuelann.白珍珠;英英释义 venezuelann.a native or inhabitant of Venezuelaadj.of or relating to or characteristic of V...
详细解释Suissen.看门人,门警;英英释义 Suisse[ swi:s ]n.a landlocked federal republic in central Europe同义词:SwitzerlandSwiss ...
详细解释Mubarakn.穆巴拉克;英英释义 Mubarakn.Egyptian statesman who became president in 1981 after Sadat was assassinated (born ...
详细解释gunmenn.枪手,持枪的歹徒,制造枪械者;持枪者,持枪歹徒( gunman的名词复数 );英英释义 gunman[ 'nmn ]n.a professional kill...
详细解释italia释义意大利(欧洲南部国家);英英释义 italia[ i't:lj: ]n.a republic in southern Europe on the Italian Peninsula; wa...
详细解释minsk释义明斯克(白俄罗斯共和国首都);英英释义 minsk[ minsk ]n.the capital of Belarus and of the Commonwealth of Indepe...
详细解释Belarus释义白俄罗斯;英英释义 Belarusn.a landlocked republic in eastern Europe; formerly a European soviet同义词:Republ...
详细解释equitiesn.股票;普通股; 双语释义n.(名词)[U]公平,公正 fairness;process of not treating sb better than sb else[U]衡平法 ...
详细解释kurdistann.库尔德地毯;英英释义 kurdistan[ ,k:di'sta:n ]n.an extensive geographical region in the Middle East south of t...
详细解释caliphaten.伊斯兰教国王的职权或其领域;英英释义 caliphate[ 'klifeit ]n.the era of Islam's ascendancy from the death of M...