





n.a landlocked republic in eastern Europe; formerly a European soviet

同义词:Republic of BelarusByelarusByelorussiaBelorussiaWhite Russia




He told the stories of activists in Cuba and Belarus.

The creative snapper uses an old Soviet fisheye lens from Belarus to give these images a unique perspective.


Tax stimulation instruments of innovative economic processes in Belarus

Alarming levels of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Belarus: results of a survey in Minsk

Post-Chernobyl thyroid carcinoma in Belarus children and adolescents: comparison with naturally occurring thyroid carcinoma in Italy...

Further evidence for elevated human minisatellite mutation rate in Belarus eight years after the Chernobyl accident.

High prevalence of RET rearrangement in thyroid tumors of children from Belarus after the Chernobyl reactor accident.

Promotion of Breastfeeding Intervention Trial (PROBIT): A Randomized Trial in the Republic of Belarus

Promotion of Breastfeeding Intervention Trial (PROBIT): a randomized trial in the Republic of Belarus.

Population dynamics of Wolves Canis lupus in Bialowieża Primeval Forest (Poland and Belarus) in relation to hunting by humans, 1847...

Erratum: Winter cyclone frequency and following freshet streamflow formation on the rivers in Belarus (2013 Environ. Res. Lett. 9 09...

Promotion of breastfeeding intervention trial (PROBIT): a cluster-randomized trial in the Republic of Belarus. Design, follow-up, an...



1. On the way home from Russia, after a brief stop in Belarus, I flew to Geneva, for my first meeting with President Assad of Syria.


2. These materials were deposited mainly over countries in Europe, but especially over large areas of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine.


3. “Ukraine and Crimea, Belarus and Moldova—it is my country…Kazakhstan and the Caucasus as well as the Baltics—it is my country…I was born in the Soviet Union; made in the USSR, ” its lyrics go.


4. ANNOUNCER: Called an outpost of tyranny on Europe’s last dictatorship by the US Government, Belarus has for more than a decade, been under the rule of President Alexander Lukashenka.


5. They sell their produce in Belarus and export it to Russia and the European Union countries.


6. The factory has its own logistics system and distribution system embracing all regions and cities of Belarus.


7. We have a message for the people of Belarus: the vision of a Europe whole, free, and at peace includes you, and we stand with you in your struggle for freedom.


8. Some scientists in Belarus claim to have detected a rise in birth defects since the accident, although the general consensus is that this is an artifact of better reporting.


9. He told the stories of activists in Cuba and Belarus.


10. The explosion and fire at Chernobyl sent parts of the reactor core high into the atmosphere in a plume that drifted over Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and western Europe.


11. Skating and Hiking are also popular in Belarus.


12. Both men are from Belarus but have not been named.


13. Russia is building six new nuclear power plants and has plans for more. It also recently signed an agreement with Belarus to build one there.


14. The UN Strategy for Recovery, launched in 2002, gave all UN agencies and the international community a framework for rebuilding the most-affected areas of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine.


15. The UN Strategy for Recovery, launched in 2002, gave all UN agencies and the international community a framework for rebuilding the most-affected areas of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine.
