共 49 个单词
突破英文词汇22000相关的的单词有【diathermy】【ante meridiem】【intrastate】【at variance】【interlinear】【gastronome】【nouveau riche】【Au Lait】【hors d'oeuvre】【coup d'etat】【pizzicato】【cognoscente】【au revoir】【burro】【par excellence】【antipasto】【decrescendo】【sangfroid】【picaro】【prestissimo】【lettre de cachet】【manana】【savoir faire】【lento】【demitasse】【coup de grace】【senorita】【junto】【campanile】【duenna】【legato】【au courant】【intermezzo】【ambrosial】【tempera】【moderato】【semiskilled】【musicale】【vaquero】【terra cotta】等。
diathermyn.透热疗法;英英释义 diathermy[ 'dai:mi ]n.a method of physical therapy that involves generating local heat in ...
详细解释ante meridiemadv.午前;英英释义 ante meridiem adj.before noon同义词:a.m.adv.before noon同义词:A.M.
详细解释intrastateadj.州内的(尤指美国的州内);英英释义 intrastate[ ,intr'steit ]adj.relating to or existing within the boundar...
详细解释interlinearadj.写在行间的,隔一行书写原文和译文的;英英释义 interlinear[ ,int'lini ]adj.written between lines of text同义...
详细解释gastronomen.美食者,爱吃的人; 变形 复数:gastronomes 英英释义 gastronome[ 'str,num ]n.a person devoted to refined sensu...
详细解释nouveau richen.暴发户;英英释义 nouveau riche [ nu:'vu'ri: ]n.a person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic statu...
详细解释hors d'oeuvren.(正餐前的)开胃食品; 变形 复数:hors d'oeuvres 英英释义 hors d'oeuvre [ :'d:vr ]n.a dish served as an a...
详细解释coup d'etatn.政变,武力夺取政权;英英释义 coup d'etat n.a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force...
详细解释pizzicaton.拨奏曲,用指弹的乐曲;adj.指弹的; 变形 复数:pizzicatos 英英释义 pizzicato[ ,pitsi'k:tu ]n.a note or passage...
详细解释au revoirn.再会,再见;英英释义 au revoir [ ,ur'vw:r ]n.a farewell remark同义词:adieuadiosarrivederciauf wiedersehenbye...
详细解释burron.驴子(尤指美国西南部用作驮畜的驴); 变形 复数:burros 英英释义 burro[ 'buru ]n.small donkey used as a pack anima...
详细解释par excellenceadv.最卓越,超群;adj.(只用于所修饰的名词后)杰出的,卓越的,出类拔萃的;英英释义 par excellence [ ,p:r'e...
详细解释antipaston.开胃菜;开胃食物;前菜; 变形 复数:antipasti 英英释义 antipasto[ ,nti'p:stu ]n.a course of appetizers in an ...
详细解释decrescendon.渐弱,乐节;adj.渐弱(声音)的;英英释义 decrescendo[ ,di:kri'endu ]n.(music) a gradual decrease in loudnes...
详细解释prestissimon.最快速度;adj.最快的,极快的;英英释义 prestissimo[ pres'tisimu ]adj.(of tempo) as fast as possibleadv.extr...
详细解释lettre de cachetn.有封印密信;英英释义 lettre de cachet n.a warrant formerly issued by a French king who could warrant i...
详细解释lentoadj.徐缓的,柔和的;英英释义 lento[ 'lentu ]adj.(of tempo) slowadv.in music"Play this lento, please"同义词:slowly
详细解释demitassen.小型咖啡杯,小杯清咖啡;英英释义 demitasse[ 'demits ]n.small cup of strong black coffee without milk or cream...
详细解释coup de gracen.致命的一击,决定性的一击;英英释义 coup de grace n.the blow that kills (usually mercifully)同义词:deathb...
详细解释senoritan.小姐,女士; 变形 复数:senoritas 英英释义 senorita[ ,senj:'ri:t:, ,si:n- ]n.a Spanish title or form of addres...
详细解释junton.政治集团; 变形 复数:juntos 英英释义 junto[ 'dntu ]n.a clique (often secret) that seeks power usually through in...
详细解释campanilen.钟楼,钟塔; 变形 复数:campanilescampanili 英英释义 campanile[ ,kmp'ni:li ]n.a bell tower; usually stands al...
详细解释legatoadv.& adj.连奏地(的),连唱地(的);英英释义 legato[ l':tu ]adj.(music) without breaks between notes; smooth and...
详细解释au courant释义熟悉,通晓(with);英英释义 au courant [ uku:'r ]adj.being up to particular standard or level especially in...
详细解释intermezzon.戏剧;插曲;间乐曲;芭蕾舞表演 变形 复数:intermezziintermezzos 英英释义 intermezzo[ ,int'metsu ]n.a short m...
详细解释ambrosialadj.芬香的,特别美味的;英英释义 ambrosial[ m'bruzjl,-zjn ]adj.extremely pleasing to the taste; sweet and fragr...
详细解释temperan.蛋彩画(用蛋清代油调和的鸡蛋水胶养料画法); 变形 复数:temperas 英英释义 tempera[ 'tempr ]n.pigment mixed with...
详细解释semiskilledadj.半熟练的;英英释义 semiskilled[ ,semi'skild, ,semai- ]adj.possessing or requiring limited skills"semiskil...
详细解释vaqueron.牧者,放牛者,牧童; 变形 复数:vaqueros 英英释义 vaquero[ v:'kru ]n.local names for a cowboy (`vaquero' is use...
详细解释terra cottaadj.赤土陶器的,赤土色的;英英释义 terra cotta [ ,ter'kt ]n.a hard unglazed brownish-red earthenware