共 79 个单词
生人勿进Let-the-Right-One-In相关的的单词有【saltpeter】【cast iron】【tape up】【slushy】【sodomite】【spasmodical】【eider】【ticktock】【straggly】【mildewy】【brain teaser】【villeinage】【rowanberry】【willie】【unseeing】【upstretched】【jack off】【jackknife】【cordon off】【pizzeria】【pinup】【sinker】【split second】【prefabricated】【seize up】【telekinesis】【somnambulist】【tic-tac-toe】【huddle up】【bloodsucker】【vestal】【unhindered】【rig up】【muppet】【copulation】【bench press】【eternalize】【half-mast】【boa constrictor】【in the buff】等。
saltpetern.硝石;英英释义 saltpeter[ 's:lt'pi:t ]n.(KNO3) used especially as a fertilizer and explosive同义词:potassium...
详细解释cast iron释义铸铁,生铁;英英释义 cast iron n.an alloy of iron containing so much carbon that it is brittle and so canno...
详细解释slushyadj.泥泞的;英英释义 slushy[ 'sli ]adj.being or resembling melting snow"slushy snow"; "deep slushy mud"effusively ...
详细解释sodomiten.鸡奸者;口交者;兽奸者;尸奸者英英释义 sodomite[ 'sdmait ]n.someone who engages in anal copulation (especially...
详细解释eidern.绒鸭,绒鸭的绒毛;英英释义 eider[ 'aid ]n.duck of the northern hemisphere much valued for the fine soft down of t...
详细解释ticktockv.发出滴答声;n.滴答声;英英释义 ticktock[ 'tiktk ]n.steady recurrent ticking sound as made by a clock同义词:to...
详细解释stragglyadj.脱离行列的;落后的;蔓延的;散乱的英英释义 straggly[ 'strli ]adj.spreading out carelessly (as if wandering) ...
详细解释brain teaser释义脑筋急转弯,动动脑筋; 变形 复数:brain teasers 英英释义 brain teaser n.a difficult problem同义词:riddl...
详细解释villeinagen.隶农制,隶农土地保有条件,隶农身份;英英释义 villeinage[ 'vilnid ]n.the legal status or condition of servitu...
详细解释unseeingadj.不注意的,没有看到的;英英释义 unseeing[ ,n'si:i ]adj.not consciously observing"looked through him with blan...
详细解释jack off释义引导绕纱;英英释义 jack off v.get sexual gratification through self-stimulation同义词:masturbatewankfuck of...
详细解释jackknifen.折叠刀;v.对折,用折叠刀切; 变形 过去式:jackknifed过去分词:jackknifed现在分词:jackknifing第三人称单数:ja...
详细解释cordon off释义用警戒线隔离[阻挡];英英释义 cordon off v.divide by means of a rope同义词:rope inrope off
详细解释pizzerian.匹萨饼店,意大利肉饼店; 变形 复数:pizzerias 英英释义 pizzeria[ ,pi:ts'ri: ]n.a shop where pizzas are made an...
详细解释sinkern.下沉的人;沉锚;沉点;沉子英英释义 sinker[ 'sik ]n.a small ring-shaped friedcake同义词:doughnutdonuta weight th...
详细解释split secondn.瞬间;刹那;英英释义 split second n.a very short time (as the time it takes the eye blink or the heart to ...
详细解释prefabricatedadj.(建筑物、船等)预制构件的;v.预制( prefabricate的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 prefabricated[ pri:'fbri...
详细解释telekinesisn.心灵促动,心灵遥感;遥动;英英释义 telekinesis[ ,teliki'ni:sis, -kai- ]n.the power to move something by thi...
详细解释somnambulistn.梦游者,梦游症患者;英英释义 somnambulist[ sm'nmbjulist, sm- ]n.someone who walks about in their sleep同义...
详细解释tic-tac-toe释义一字棋;英英释义 tic-tac-toe[ ,tiktk'tu ]n.a game in which two players alternately put crosses and circle...
详细解释bloodsuckern.吸血生物,水蛭,剥削者; 变形 复数:bloodsuckers 英英释义 bloodsucker[ 'bld,sk ]n.carnivorous or bloodsucki...
详细解释vestaladj.女灶神的,贞洁的,处女的;n.处女,修女;英英释义 vestal[ 'vestl ]n.a chaste womanadj.of or relating to Vesta"v...
详细解释unhinderedadj.不受妨碍的,不受阻碍的;顺畅;英英释义 unhindered[ n'hindd ]adj.not slowed or blocked or interfered with同...
详细解释rig upv.装配,草草做成;拼凑;七拼八凑;英英释义 rig up v.erect or construct, especially as a temporary measure
详细解释copulationn.性交,交配,交尾; 变形 复数:copulations 英英释义 copulation[ ,kpju'lein ]n.the act of sexual procreation b...
详细解释bench press释义台式压床,台式压机;英英释义 bench press n.a weightlifting exercise in which you lie on your back on a be...
详细解释eternalizev.使永恒,使不灭; 变形 过去式:eternalized过去分词:eternalized现在分词:eternalizing第三人称单数:eternalize...
详细解释half-mastn.半旗(旗杆中央的位置);adj.半旗的;不到顶的;vt.下半旗;英英释义 half-mast[ 'h:f'm:st, -mst ]n.a position so...
详细解释boa constrictorn.大蟒蛇;王蛇; 变形 复数:boa constrictors 英英释义 boa constrictor n.very large boa of tropical Americ...
详细解释in the buffvt.用软物擦亮(金属);使皮革柔软;减低(力量);减弱vi.作缓冲器,缓冲;英英释义 in the buff adj.(used inform...