共 18 个单词
牛津高中英语模块十高三上学期相关的的单词有【over-the-counter medicine】【prescription drugs】【hydroelectricity】【over again】【alarm bell】【burst on the scene】【at a crossroads】【make the headlines】【WIPO】【the Midwest】【fortune-telling】【beyond doubt】【word of mouth】【join forces】【put pressure on】【case study】【cybercrime】【push for】等。
over-the-counter medicine英英释义 over-the-counter medicine n.a drug that is sold without a prescription同义词:over-the...
详细解释prescription drugs释义处方药;英英释义 prescription drug n.a drug that is available only with written instructions from ...
详细解释hydroelectricityn.水力电;水电;英英释义 hydroelectricity[ 'haidrui,lek'tristi ]n.electricity produced by water power
详细解释WIPOabbr.World Intellectual Property Organization( 世界知识产权组织);[财]世界产权组织;[计]= World Intellectual Prope...
详细解释fortune-tellingn.算命;卜;英英释义 fortune-telling[ 'f:tn,teli ]n.the art or gift of prophecy (or the pretense of proph...
详细解释beyond doubt释义[常作插入语]毫无疑问,无疑地,不容怀疑;确凿不移;英英释义 beyond doubt adj.too obvious to be doubted同义...
详细解释word of mouthn.口头传述的,口碑;英英释义 word of mouth n.gossip spread by spoken communication同义词:grapevinepipeline...
详细解释join forces释义(同…)联合;并力;会师;合力英英释义 join forces v.work together on a common enterprise of project同义词...
详细解释case studyn.个案研究;专题;研究实例;范例分析 变形 复数:case studies 英英释义 case study n.a careful study of some soc...
详细解释cybercrimen. 网络犯罪 英英释义 cybercrimen.crime committed using a computer and the internet to steal a person's identit...