共 39 个单词
每天5分钟听透BBC相关的的单词有【Shia】【basra】【edo】【forge ahead】【unaccounted for】【overlying】【witch-hunt】【farm animal】【catholic church】【ragtime】【military base】【flypast】【stage name】【hard core】【line-up】【court martial】【nairobi】【run aground】【wiki】【in full】【rehydration】【sarajevo】【Bulgaria】【Copyright infringement】【cruise ship】【lagos】【insider trading】【opinion poll】【archeologist】【bird flu】【guinea pig】【genetically modified】【vulnerable to】【retail price】【ice sheet】【millennia】【benefit from】【free of charge】【suffer from】等。
Shian.什叶;什叶派(等于Shiah);英英释义 Shia[ 'i ]n.one of the two main branches of orthodox Islam; mainly in Iran同义...
详细解释basra释义巴士拉(伊拉克东南部港市);英英释义 basra[ 'b:sr ]n.the second largest city in Iraq; an oil port in southern I...
详细解释edoabbr.effective diameter of objective 目标有效直径;error demodulator output 错误的解调器输出;error detector output 错...
详细解释overlyingv.躺在…上面( overlie的现在分词 );叠加;英英释义 overlying[ ,uv'laii ]adj.placed on or over something else"an ...
详细解释witch-huntn.猎女巫; 变形 复数:witch-hunts 英英释义 witch-hunt[ 'withnt ]n.searching out and harassing dissenters
详细解释farm animal释义家畜;英英释义 farm animal n.not used technically; any animals kept for use or profit同义词:livestocksto...
详细解释catholic church释义[医]天主教派;英英释义 catholic church n.any of several churches claiming to have maintained historic...
详细解释ragtimen.雷格泰姆音乐;英英释义 ragtime[ 'rtaim ]n.music with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano)同义词:rag
详细解释flypastn.空中分列,致礼飞行; 变形 复数:flypasts 英英释义 flypast[ 'flaip:st ]n.bridge formed by the upper level of a c...
详细解释hard coren.核心部分,中坚分子;基干;英英释义 hard core n.the most dedicated and intensely loyal nucleus of a group or m...
详细解释court martial释义[法]军事法庭审判; 变形 过去式:court martialled现在分词:court martialling第三人称单数:court martials...
详细解释nairobin.奈洛比;英英释义 nairobi[ nai'rubi ]n.the capital and largest city of Kenya; a center for tourist safaris同义词...
详细解释run agroundv.搁浅;英英释义 run aground v.bring to the ground同义词:groundhit or reach the ground同义词:ground
详细解释wiki释义维基(允许访问者添加或修改资料的网站); 变形 复数:wikis 英英释义 WikiWiki (also known as Project Wiki and Wiki...
详细解释sarajevo释义萨拉热窝(南斯拉夫中部城市);英英释义 sarajevo[ ,sr'jeivu; ,s:'r:jev: ]n.capital and largest city of Bosnia...
详细解释Bulgarian.保加利亚(欧洲国家);英英释义 Bulgaria[ bl'ri ]n.a republic in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula in so...
详细解释Copyright infringement释义版权侵犯;英英释义 Copyright infringement n.a violation of the rights secured by a copyright同...
详细解释cruise ship释义大型游轮; 变形 复数:cruise ships 英英释义 cruise ship n.a passenger ship used commercially for pleasure...
详细解释lagosn.拉各斯;英英释义 lagos[ 'leis; 'l:s ]n.chief port and economic center of Nigeria; located in southwestern Nigeria...
详细解释insider trading释义内幕交易;内部人员的交易;英英释义 insider trading n.buying or selling corporate stock by a corporate...
详细解释opinion polln.选举投票,民意测验; 变形 复数:opinion polls 英英释义 opinion poll n.an inquiry into public opinion condu...
详细解释archeologistn.考古学家;英英释义 archeologist[ ,:ki'ldist ]n.an anthropologist who studies prehistoric people and their ...
详细解释guinea pign.[动]豚鼠,天竺鼠;试验品,实验对象; 变形 复数:guinea pigs 英英释义 guinea pig [ 'ginipig ]n.a person who i...
详细解释ice sheetn.大冰原,冰盾; 变形 复数:ice sheets 英英释义 Ice sheetAn ice sheet is a mass of glacier ice that covers surr...
详细解释free of chargen.免费;分文不取;白;不取分文英英释义 free of charge adv.without payment同义词:gratisfor free