共 34 个单词
暨南大学研究生英语相关的的单词有【right field】【apres】【be on guard】【fiefdom】【name-calling】【YMCA】【mother lode】【ineradicable】【vellum】【ufology】【lapse into】【mim】【remitter】【codices】【manic-depressive】【armamentarium】【mensuration】【triste】【serif】【be strewn with】【do one's damnedest】【vegetal】【picket line】【remittee】【abound in】【Ivory Tower】【fall away】【consilience】【be indifferent to】【relinquishment】【administrate】【less than】【substitute for】【in any event】等。
right fieldn.右外场,右翼;英英释义 right field n.the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's right同义词:righ...
详细解释fiefdomn.封地,采邑;英英释义 fiefdom[ 'fi:fdm ]n.the domain controlled by a feudal lordan organization that is controll...
详细解释name-callingn.骂人;英英释义 name-calling[ 'neim,k:li ]n.verbal abuse; a crude substitute for argument同义词:name calli...
详细解释YMCAabbr.Young Men's Christian Association 基督教青年会; 变形 复数:YMCAs 英英释义 YMCAYMCA is the Young Men's Christia...
详细解释mother lode释义母脉,主矿脉;英英释义 mother lode n.the main vein of ore in a deposit同义词:champion lode
详细解释ineradicableadj.不能根除的,根深蒂固的;英英释义 ineradicable[ ,ini'rdikbl ]adj.not able to be destroyed or rooted out"i...
详细解释vellumn.上等犊皮纸,皮纸文书,牛皮纸;adj.犊皮纸的;英英释义 vellum[ 'velm ]n.a heavy creamy-colored paper resembling pa...
详细解释ufologyn.不明飞行物学,飞碟学;英英释义 UfologyUfology is the array of subject matter and activities associated with an ...
详细解释mimadj.假正经的,假装羞怯(或谦虚)的,假文静的;英英释义 MiMMIM stands for Music Industry Manual. It was founded in 199...
详细解释manic-depressiveadj.燥狂抑郁病的;n.燥狂抑郁病患者; 变形 复数:manic-depressives 英英释义 manic-depressive[ ,mnikdi'pre...
详细解释armamentariumn.(医药的)设备;全套配备;补给;物质支持英英释义 armamentarium[ ,:mmen'trim ]n.the collection of equipmen...
详细解释mensurationn.测定;测量;测定法;求积法英英释义 mensuration[ ,mensju'rein ]n.the act or process of assigning numbers to ...
详细解释serifn.衬线,截线(衬线指的是字体起始末端的细节装饰);衬线体;英英释义 serif[ 'serif ]n.a short line at the end of the ...
详细解释vegetaladj.植物的;植物性的;生长的;动植物共通的英英释义 vegetal[ 'veditl ]adj.(of reproduction) characterized by asexu...
详细解释picket linen.哨兵线;警戒线;纠察线;拴马索 变形 复数:picket lines 英英释义 picket line n.a line of people acting as pi...
详细解释Ivory Towern.象牙塔,脱离实际的小天地; 变形 复数:ivory towers 英英释义 Ivory Tower n.a state of mind that is discussed...
详细解释fall away释义离开;消瘦;英英释义 fall away v.get worse同义词:slipdrop offdrop awaydiminish in size or intensity同义词:...
详细解释consiliencen.符合,一致;英英释义 ConsilienceConsilience is the principle that approaching the same problem by different...
详细解释relinquishmentn.作罢,让渡;英英释义 relinquishment[ ri'likwimnt ]n.a verbal act of renouncing a claim or right or posit...
详细解释administratev.管理,支配; 变形 过去式:administrated过去分词:administrated现在分词:administrating第三人称单数:admini...
详细解释less than释义小于,决不;以内;没有;不足英英释义 less than adv.comparing quantity or quality同义词:to a lesser degree
详细解释in any event释义不管发生什么事,在任何情况下,无论如何;左不过;英英释义 in any event adv.used to indicate that a statem...