共 260 个单词
新闻美剧单词精华相关的的单词有【Dada】【batik】【date】【deco】【airbrush】【hard-edge】【Impressionism】【production】【hyperrealism】【computernik】【self portrait】【racketeering】【porno】【primitivism】【laundering】【computerese】【blue chip stock】【back-alley】【smokestack】【leveraged】【New Wave】【edp】【kakemono】【greenmail】【LBO】【hardball】【manhunt】【oil paint】【stagflation】【Bauhaus】【creeping】【coding】【legging】【canned】【angst】【Microeconomics】【oligopoly】【macroeconomics】【commercialism】【cash flow】等。
Dadan.爸爸,达达主义;英英释义 Dada[ 'd:d: ] informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk同义词:dadd...
详细解释batikn.蜡防印花法; 变形 复数:batiks 英英释义 batik[ 'btik, b'ti:k ]n.a dyed fabric; a removable wax is used where the ...
详细解释decon.装饰,装饰品;英英释义 deco[ deu'ku ]n.a style of design that was popular in the 1920s and 1930s; marked by styliz...
详细解释hyperrealismn.(绘画、雕塑等的)高度写实主义,照相写实主义;英英释义 HyperrealismHyperrealism is a term coined by the co...
详细解释self portrait释义[电影]自画像;英英释义 self portrait n.a portrait of yourself created by yourself同义词:self-portrait
详细解释pornon.pornographer [pornography] 色情书刊;英英释义 porno[ 'p:nu ]n.creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc...
详细解释primitivismn.(宗教、艺术或生活方式上的)原始主义,尚古主义,原始的风格;英英释义 primitivism[ 'primitivizm ]n.a wild or...
详细解释smokestackn.大烟囱; 变形 复数:smokestacks 英英释义 smokestack[ 'smukstk ]n.a large tall chimney through which combusti...
详细解释New Waven.新潮流,新风尚,新趋势; 变形 复数:new waves 英英释义 New Wave art movement in French cinema in the 1960...
详细解释edpabbr.emotionally disturbed person 情绪失控的人;engineering data processing 工程数据处理;英英释义 edpn.automatic dat...
详细解释kakemonon.(挂在壁上的)字轴,画轴,长轴; 变形 复数:kakemono 英英释义 kakemono[ ,k:ki'mn ]n.a Japanese (paper or silk)...
详细解释greenmailn.绿票讹诈;英英释义 greenmail[ 'ri:nmeil ]n.(corporation) the practice of purchasing enough shares in a firm t...
详细解释hardballn.硬式棒球;英英释义 hardball[ 'h:db:l ]n.a no-nonsense attitude in business or politics"they play hardball in t...
详细解释manhuntn.(对逃犯等的)搜捕,追捕; 变形 复数:manhunts 英英释义 manhunt[ 'mn'hnt ] organized search (by police) for...
详细解释oil paintn.油画颜料,油漆; 变形 复数:oil paints 英英释义 oil paint n.paint in which a drying oil is the vehicle
详细解释stagflationn.不景气状况下的物价上涨;滞胀;英英释义 stagflation[ st'flein ]n.a period of slow economic growth and high u...
详细解释Bauhausn.包豪斯建筑学派;英英释义 Bauhaus[ 'bauhaus ]n.a German style of architecture begun by Walter Gropius in 1918
详细解释creepingn.& adj.爬行(的);v.蹑手蹑足地走( creep的现在分词 );缓慢地行进;爬行;匍匐英英释义 creeping[ 'kri:pi ]n.a slo...
详细解释codingn.译码;英英释义 coding[ 'kudi ]n.act of writing in code or cipher同义词:cryptographysecret writingsteganography
详细解释leggingn.(通常用复数)绑腿,裹腿,护胫; 变形 复数:leggings 英英释义 legging[ 'legi ]n.a garment covering the leg (usu...
详细解释cannedadj.罐装的;录音的;一稿数用的;喝醉了的英英释义 canned[ knd ]adj.recorded for broadcast"canned laughter"同义词:t...
详细解释angstn.焦虑;担心;恐惧,沮丧;英英释义 angst[ :st ] acute but unspecific feeling of anxiety; usually reserved for p...
详细解释Microeconomicsn.微观经济学; 变形 复数:microeconomics 英英释义 Microeconomics[ 'maikru,i:k'nmiks, -,ek- ]n.the branch o...
详细解释oligopolyn.求过于供的市场情况; 变形 复数:oligopolies 英英释义 oligopoly[ ,li'pli ]n.(economics) a market in which cont...
详细解释macroeconomicsn.宏观经济学;英英释义 macroeconomics[ 'mkru,i:k'nmiks ]n.the branch of economics that studies the overall...
详细解释commercialismn.商业主义,重商主义;英英释义 commercialism[ k'm:lizm ]n.transactions (sales and purchases) having the obj...