共 209 个单词
新概念英语1-4册-单词总汇相关的的单词有【sabre-toothed】【sales reps】【Scotch whisky】【packing case】【catch in】【a short while ago】【a few words】【charge at】【cigarette end】【Barents】【take the risk】【smash-and-grab】【after some time】【social climber】【phrasebook】【Pilatus Porter】【air-resistance】【speed boat】【haemolytic】【st. bernard】【desert island】【dickie】【memory-chip】【pot-holer】【electroencephalograph】【electric wire】【block and tackle】【to spare】【stone head】【off course】【coring bit】【ulyanovsk】【flea-ridden】【Leaning Tower Pisa】【bombe】【get a shock】【uncrumple】【underclothe】【neither of】【go to the theatre】等。
sabre-toothedadj.长着锐利的长犬牙的;英英释义 sabre-toothed[ 'seib,tu:t ]adj.having teeth that resemble sabers同义词:sa...
详细解释Scotch whiskyn.苏格兰威士忌酒;英英释义 Scotch whisky n.whiskey distilled in Scotland; especially whiskey made from malt...
详细解释packing casen.装运货物的箱子; 变形 复数:packing cases 英英释义 packing case n.a large crate in which goods are packed ...
详细解释smash-and-grabadj.砸橱窗抢东西的; 变形 复数:smash-and-grabs 英英释义 Smash and GrabSmash and Grab is a 1937 British co...
详细解释social climbern.想法挤入上流社会者,攀高枝者,巴结权贵向上爬的人; 变形 复数:social climbers 英英释义 social climber n....
详细解释haemolyticadj.溶血的,血球溶解的;英英释义 haemolytic[ hi:mu'litik ]adj.relating to or involving or causing hemolysis同义...
详细解释st. bernard释义圣伯纳犬;英英释义 st. bernard n.a Swiss alpine breed of large powerful dog with a thick coat of hair use...
详细解释desert islandn.荒岛; 变形 复数:desert islands 英英释义 Desert islandA desert island in [[Palau.]]以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释dickien.(女性衬衫)的胸襟,(小孩的)围嘴;adj.低劣的,不可靠的;英英释义 dickie[ 'diki ]n.a small third seat in the ba...
详细解释memory-chipn.内存条;英英释义 memory-chip[ 'memrit'ip ]n.a RAM microchip that can be plugged into a computer to provide ...
详细解释pot-holern. 洞穴探险者 英英释义 pot-holer[ 'pt,hul ]n.a person who explores caves同义词:potholerspelunkerspeleologistsp...
详细解释electroencephalographn.脑电描记器,脑电图仪;脑电仪;英英释义 electroencephalograph[ i'lektruen'seflr:f, -rf ]n.medical ...
详细解释block and tacklen.滑轮,滑车设备;英英释义 block and tackle n.pulley blocks with associated rope or cable
详细解释off courseadv.不在规定的过程中;英英释义 Off CourseOff Course was one of Japan's most influential Folk rock bands. It wa...