to spare
英式音标:[tu: spɛə] 怎么读
美式音标:[tu spɛr] 怎么读
词汇归类 新概念英语-第二册按课程收录 新概念英语1-4册-单词总汇 剑桥英语词汇概况Cambridge-English-Vocabulary-Profile-C1-C2 成人大学外语学习指南吉林
同义词: remain
to spare词义
to spare用法
They regard overpopulation as a danger to society.
This funky bear has soul to spare!
The rope was plenty long enough to reach the ground.
Many students put up notices, but some will be private householders with spare rooms.
Do we have brain to spare?Liver transplant induction trial of daclizumab to spare calcineurin inhibition
Is IMRT needed to spare the rectum when pelvic lymph nodes are part of the initial treatment volume for prostate cancer?
Pharmacological strategies to spare normal tissues from radiation damage: useless or overlooked therapeutics?
The use of 3D conformal radiotherapy (3D CRT) to spare the cochlea in patients with medulloblastoma.
Forcing lateral electron disequilibrium to spare lung tissue: a novel technique for stereotactic body radiation therapy of lung canc...
Nerve‐sparing class III radical hysterectomy: a modified technique to spare the pelvic autonomic nerves without compromising radica...
Sulfur amino acid nutrition of the growing chick: effect of age on the capacity of cystine to spare dietary methionine.
Postoperative stimulated thyroglobulin of less than 1 ng/ml as a criterion to spare low-risk patients with papillary thyroid cancer ...
Charoenkwan K, Srisomboon J, Suprasert P, et al. Nerve-sparing class III radical hysterectomy: a modified technique to spare the pel...