共 126 个单词
新概念英语-第二册按课程收录相关的的单词有【packing case】【catch in】【a large crowd of】【a short while ago】【a few words】【charge at】【take the risk】【made from】【after some time】【Pilatus Porter】【all parts of the country】【stay for】【to spare】【stone head】【off course】【get a shock】【neither of】【go to the theatre】【arm with】【drive back】【drive into】【robot-arm】【none of your business】【keep order】【keep guard】【Kivu】【going through】【grass-seed】【guard of honour】【ask for a lift】【cotton wool】【either of】【public house】【at one point】【take root】【rush up】【signor】【street sign】【walk out of】【throw at】等。
packing casen.装运货物的箱子; 变形 复数:packing cases 英英释义 packing case n.a large crate in which goods are packed ...
详细解释off courseadv.不在规定的过程中;英英释义 Off CourseOff Course was one of Japan's most influential Folk rock bands. It wa...
详细解释drive back释义驾车返回,驱车返回;迫使后退;逐退;却英英释义 drive back v.force or drive back同义词:repelrepulsefight o...
详细解释keep guard释义站岗,放哨;英英释义 keep guard v.watch over so as to protect同义词:stand guardstand watchstand sentinel
详细解释Kivu释义基伍(湖)(位于刚果民主共和国与卢旺达的边界);英英释义 Kivu[ 'ki:vu: ]n.a lake in the mountains of central Afr...
详细解释cotton wooln.原棉,棉絮;化妆棉;英英释义 cotton wool n.soft silky fibers from cotton plants in their raw state同义词:c...
详细解释public housen.酒吧; 变形 复数:public houses 英英释义 public house n.tavern consisting of a building with a bar and pub...
详细解释take rootv.生根,扎根;英英释义 take root v.become settled or established and stable in one's residence or life style同义...
详细解释signorn.阁下,君; 变形 复数:signori 英英释义 signor[ 'si:nj:, si:'nj: ]n.used as an Italian courtesy title; can be pre...