共 151 个单词
新概念英语词汇大全相关的的单词有【sabre-toothed】【sales reps】【Scotch whisky】【packing case】【Barents】【smash-and-grab】【dag】【social climber】【phrasebook】【Piccadilly】【air-resistance】【haemolytic】【st.petersburg】【desert island】【commissariat】【memory-chip】【pot-holer】【electroencephalograph】【block and tackle】【coring bit】【ulyanovsk】【flea-ridden】【revealer】【uncrumple】【robot-arm】【overbalance】【cutting bit】【fossil man】【newlyweds】【Norfolk Broads】【Kivu】【log book】【grass-seed】【zoomorphic】【maidservant】【cotton wool】【Calais】【Matterhorn】【grenoble】【mete out】等。
sabre-toothedadj.长着锐利的长犬牙的;英英释义 sabre-toothed[ 'seib,tu:t ]adj.having teeth that resemble sabers同义词:sa...
详细解释Scotch whiskyn.苏格兰威士忌酒;英英释义 Scotch whisky n.whiskey distilled in Scotland; especially whiskey made from malt...
详细解释packing casen.装运货物的箱子; 变形 复数:packing cases 英英释义 packing case n.a large crate in which goods are packed ...
详细解释smash-and-grabadj.砸橱窗抢东西的; 变形 复数:smash-and-grabs 英英释义 Smash and GrabSmash and Grab is a 1937 British co...
详细解释dagn.悬片[端];英英释义 dag[ d ]n.10 grams同义词:dekagramdecagramdkga flap along the edge of a garment; used in medieva...
详细解释social climbern.想法挤入上流社会者,攀高枝者,巴结权贵向上爬的人; 变形 复数:social climbers 英英释义 social climber n....
详细解释haemolyticadj.溶血的,血球溶解的;英英释义 haemolytic[ hi:mu'litik ]adj.relating to or involving or causing hemolysis同义...
详细解释desert islandn.荒岛; 变形 复数:desert islands 英英释义 Desert islandA desert island in [[Palau.]]以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释commissariatn.军需部门,粮食,粮食补给; 变形 复数:commissariats 英英释义 commissariat[ ,kmi'srit ]n.a stock or supply ...
详细解释memory-chipn.内存条;英英释义 memory-chip[ 'memrit'ip ]n.a RAM microchip that can be plugged into a computer to provide ...
详细解释pot-holern. 洞穴探险者 英英释义 pot-holer[ 'pt,hul ]n.a person who explores caves同义词:potholerspelunkerspeleologistsp...
详细解释electroencephalographn.脑电描记器,脑电图仪;脑电仪;英英释义 electroencephalograph[ i'lektruen'seflr:f, -rf ]n.medical ...
详细解释block and tacklen.滑轮,滑车设备;英英释义 block and tackle n.pulley blocks with associated rope or cable
详细解释overbalancevt.& vi.(使)失去平衡而歪倒; 变形 过去式:overbalanced过去分词:overbalanced现在分词:overbalancing第三人称...
详细解释newlywedsn.新婚夫妇;新婚的人( newlywed的名词复数 );英英释义 newlywedn.someone recently married同义词:honeymooner
详细解释Kivu释义基伍(湖)(位于刚果民主共和国与卢旺达的边界);英英释义 Kivu[ 'ki:vu: ]n.a lake in the mountains of central Afr...
详细解释log bookn.记录簿,值班日记,航海日记; 变形 复数:log books 英英释义 log book n.a book in which the log is written同义词...
详细解释maidservantn.(古时用语)女佣,女仆,侍女;婢;老妈子;英英释义 maidservant[ 'meid,s:vnt ]n.a female domestic同义词:mai...
详细解释cotton wooln.原棉,棉絮;化妆棉;英英释义 cotton wool n.soft silky fibers from cotton plants in their raw state同义词:c...
详细解释Calais释义加来(法国北部港市);英英释义 Calais[ 'klei ]n.a town in northern France on the Strait of Dover that serves a...
详细解释Matterhornn.马塔角,陡角山峰;英英释义 Matterhorn[ 'mt:,h:n ]n.a mountain in the Alps on the border between Switzerland ...
详细解释grenoble释义格勒诺布尔(法国东南部城市);英英释义 grenoble[ r'nubl ]n.a city in southeastern France on the Isere River