






St Petersburg,

Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs and Other Marine Calcifiers: A Guide for Future Research – St Petersburg Report

[Results of a prospective randomized investigation [Russia (St.Petersburg)/WHO] to evaluate the significance of self-examination for...

HIV incidence and factors associated with HIV acquisition among injection drug users in St Petersburg, Russia.

Total ozone amount trend at St Petersburg as deduced from Nimbus-7 TOMS observations

Cumulative Prospect Theory and the St.Petersburg Paradox

Full-length open reading frame of a recombinant hepatitis C virus strain from St Petersburg: proposed mechanism for its formation.

Psychosocial needs, mental health, and HIV transmission risk behavior among people living with HIV/AIDS in St Petersburg, Russia

World-City-Entrepreneurialism: Globalist Imaginaries, Neoliberal Geographies, and the Production of New St Petersburg:

Factors Influencing Educational Motivation: A Study of Attitudes, Expectations and Behaviour of Children in Sunderland, Kentucky and...