共 69 个单词
托福考试高频专业词汇相关的的单词有【admitted to】【snow slide】【advanced standing】【plum blossom】【impressionistic style】【digestive enzyme】【metamorphic rock】【continental island】【continental crust】【prenatal care】【oceanic crust】【ocean bottom】【convection zone】【coper】【cordillera】【leafstalk】【get acquainted with】【inland waterway】【cosmic radiation】【cosmic rays】【near-sighted】【environment protection】【mountain slope】【origin of species】【frost heaving】【new material】【lower reaches】【exosphere】【asterism】【astronomical observatory】【dwarf star】【high resolution】【energy source】【industrial sewage】【hillbilly music】【elective system】【repair person】【comparative literature】【leading character】【keyboard instrument】等。
digestive enzyme释义消化酶;英英释义 Digestive enzymeDigestive enzymes are enzymes that break down polymeric macromolecu...
详细解释metamorphic rock释义[化] 变质岩;英英释义 metamorphic rock n.rock altered by pressure and heat
详细解释continental crust释义陆壳;英英释义 Continental crustThe thickness of the Earth's crust (km).以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释prenatal care释义产前保健;英英释义 Prenatal careA doctor performs a prenatal exam.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释oceanic crust释义洋底壳;英英释义 Oceanic crustAge of oceanic crust. The red is most recent, and blue is the oldest.以上...
详细解释ocean bottom释义洋底;英英释义 ocean bottom n.the bottom of a sea or ocean同义词:ocean floorseabedsea bottomDavy Jones'...
详细解释convection zone释义对流层;英英释义 Convection zoneThe convection zone of a star is the range of radii in which energy i...
详细解释cordilleran.山脉,山系;英英释义 CordilleraA cordillera is an extensive chain of mountains or mountain ranges. The term ...
详细解释leafstalkn.叶柄;英英释义 leafstalk[ 'li:fst:k ]n.the slender stem that supports the blade of a leaf同义词:petiole
详细解释inland waterway释义内河航道;英英释义 Inland WaterwayCheboygan River flowing through Cheboygan以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释cosmic radiation释义宇宙辐射;英英释义 cosmic radiation n.radiation consisting of cosmic rays
详细解释cosmic raysn.宇宙线,宇宙射线;英英释义 cosmic ray n.highly penetrating ionizing radiation of extraterrestrial origin; c...
详细解释near-sightedadj.近视的; 双语释义adj.(形容词)近视的 unable to see objects clearly if they are not close to the eyes 英英...
详细解释origin of species释义物种起源;英英释义 Origin of SpeciesOn the Origin of Species is a seminal book on evolutionary theo...
详细解释frost heaving释义冰冻隆胀;霜拔;冻拔;冻胀英英释义 frost heaving n.upthrust of ground or pavement caused by the freezin...
详细解释asterismn.星群;(提醒注意的)三星符号;星彩;星彩性英英释义 asterism[ 'strizm ]n.(mineralogy) a star-shaped figure with...
详细解释dwarf starn.矮星;英英释义 Dwarf starThe term dwarf star refers to a variety of distinct classes of stars. The term was ...
详细解释high resolution释义高分辨度,高清晰度;高分辨能力;英英释义 high resolution adj.producing images that are sharp and fine...
详细解释hillbilly music释义乡村音乐;英英释义 hillbilly music n.country music originating in mountainous regions of southern Uni...
详细解释comparative literature释义比较文学(对各国文学进行的比较研究,强调它们相互间的影响以及相似形式、主题等的运用);英英释义 c...
详细解释keyboard instrument释义键盘乐器;英英释义 Keyboard instrumentA keyboard instrument is a musical instrument played using ...