共 34 个单词
审计英语词汇相关的的单词有【the board of directors】【detection risk】【engagement letter】【audit risk】【audit of financial statements】【cost of sales】【share premium】【unadjusted】【investment income】【flow chart】【accumulated depreciation】【general ledger】【revers】【reclassification】【share capital】【unrealized】【misstatement】【routing】【retained earnings】【lading】【intangible assets】【segmental】【short term】【working paper】【operating expenses】【fixed assets】【finished goods】【net income】【attestation】【noncompliance】【addressee】【Storekeeper】【operating income】【misinterpretation】等。
the board of directors英英释义 The Board of DirectorsThe Board of Directors is a LP album recorded at the A & R Recordin...
详细解释engagement letter释义聘书;英英释义 Engagement letterAn engagement letter defines the legal relationship (or engagement)...
详细解释audit risk英英释义 Audit riskAudit risk refers to the risk that an auditor may issue unmodified report due to auditor's ...
详细解释unadjusted释义未调节的;英英释义 unadjusted[ 'n'dstid ]adj.not altered to fit certain requirements"an unadjusted figure ...
详细解释flow chartn.流程图,作业图,生产过程图解; 变形 复数:flow charts 英英释义 flow chart n.a diagram of the sequence of ope...
详细解释general ledger释义总清账;总分类账;普通分类账;总账英英释义 general ledger n.the ledger that contains all of the financ...
详细解释reversn.(衣服的)翻领,翻边;英英释义 revers[ ri'vi, '-v ]n.a lapel on a woman's garment; turned back to show the rever...
详细解释reclassificationn.重新分类,重新安排等级;英英释义 reclassification[ ri:,klsifi'kein ]n.classifying something again (usu...
详细解释share capital释义股本,股份资本;股金;英英释义 Share capitalShare capital or capital stock (US English)Glossary on Trad...
详细解释unrealizedadj.没有实现的,没能实现的;未实现;英英释义 unrealized[ ,n'rilaizd ]adj.of persons; marked by failure to real...
详细解释misstatementn.误述,虚伪陈述; 变形 复数:misstatements 英英释义 misstatement[ ,mis'steitmnt ]n.a statement that contain...
详细解释routingvt.按某路线发送(route的现在分词形式);英英释义 rout[ 'ru:ti, 'rau- ]n.a disorderly crowd of people同义词:mobra...
详细解释retained earnings释义未分配的利润;英英释义 Retained earningsIn accounting, retained earnings refers to the portion of n...
详细解释segmentaladj.部分的;英英释义 segmental[ se'mentl ]adj.divided or organized into speech segments or isolable speech soun...
详细解释short term释义短期;近期;英英释义 short term adj.relating to or extending over a limited period同义词:short-runshort-t...
详细解释net income释义纯收益,净收入,收益净额;纯收入;英英释义 net income n.the excess of revenues over outlays in a given per...
详细解释attestationn.证词;英英释义 attestation[ ,te'stein ]n.the action of bearing witnessthe evidence by which something is at...
详细解释noncompliancen.不服从,不顺从;不履行;英英释义 noncompliance[ ,nnkm'plains ]n.the failure to obey同义词:disobedience
详细解释addresseen.收信人,收件人; 变形 复数:addressees 英英释义 addressee[ ,dre'si: ]n.one to whom something is addressed
详细解释Storekeepern.(小商店)店主人,零售商; 变形 复数:storekeepers 英英释义 Storekeeper[ 'st:,ki:p ]n.a merchant who owns o...
详细解释misinterpretationn.误解,曲解; 变形 复数:misinterpretations 英英释义 misinterpretation[ 'misin,t:pri'tein ]n.putting t...