共 32 个单词
dilatationn.(中空器官或空洞)扩张;膨胀;扩张过程;膨胀过程英英释义 dilatation[ ,dail'tein, dil- ]n.the state of being ...
详细解释tubaladj.管的,管形的,输卵管的;英英释义 tubal[ 'tju:bl ]adj.of or relating to occurring in a tube such as e.g. the Fal...
详细解释lochian.恶露(分娩后的子宫阴道分泌物);英英释义 lochia[ 'lki ]n.substance discharged from the vagina (cellular debris a...
详细解释c-sectionn.(口)剖腹产;英英释义 c-section[ 'si:,sekn ]n.the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdom...
详细解释vernixn.胎儿皮脂;护漆;清漆;涂剂英英释义 vernix[ 'v:niks ]n.a white cheeselike protective material that covers the ski...
详细解释chloasman.黄褐斑;褐黄斑;英英释义 chloasma[ klu'zm ]n.a tan discoloration of a woman's face that is associated with pre...
详细解释effacementn.抹消,抹杀;英英释义 effacement[ i'feismnt ]n.shortening of the uterine cervix and thinning of its walls as ...
详细解释albuminurian.蛋白尿;英英释义 albuminuria[ ,lbju:mi'njuri ]n.the presence of excessive protein (chiefly albumin but also...
详细解释eneman.灌肠剂; 变形 复数:enemas 英英释义 enema[ 'enim ]n.injection of a liquid through the anus to stimulate evacuatio...
详细解释episiotomyn.会阴切开术;英英释义 episiotomy[ i,pizi'tmi ]n.surgical incision of the perineum to enlarge the vagina and s...
详细解释hydatidn.包虫,水泡;英英释义 hydatid[ 'haidtid ]n.cyst filled with liquid; forms as a result of infestation by tapeworm...
详细解释cesareanadj.剖腹产的;n.剖腹产;英英释义 cesarean[ si'zrin ]n.the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the a...
详细解释perineumn.会阴; 变形 复数:perinea 英英释义 perineum[ ,peri'ni:m ]n.the general region between the anus and the genital...
详细解释ovulationn.排卵,产卵作用;英英释义 ovulation[ ,uvju'lein, - ]n.the expulsion of an ovum from the ovary (usually midway ...
详细解释amnioticadj.羊膜的,羊膜动物的;英英释义 amniotic[ ,mni'nik, ,mni'tik ]adj.of or related to the amnion or characterized ...
详细解释pudendal释义[医] 阴部的;英英释义 pudendal[ pju:'dendl ]adj.of or relating to or near the pudendum"pudendal nerve"
详细解释preeclampsian.先兆子痫;英英释义 preeclampsia[ ,pri:i'klmpsi: ]n.abnormal state of pregnancy characterized by hypertensi...
详细解释colostrumn.初乳(生产前后数日所分泌的乳);英英释义 colostrum[ k'lstrm ]n.milky fluid secreted for the first day or two ...
详细解释amenorrhean.无月经(因生病或怀孕);停经;英英释义 amenorrhea[ ei,men'ri: ]n.absence or suppression of normal menstrual ...
详细解释edeman.水肿,浮肿,瘤腺体; 变形 复数:edemasedemata 英英释义 edema[ i'di:m ]n.swelling from excessive accumulation of s...
详细解释oxytocinn.后叶催产素(脑下垂体后叶荷尔蒙的一种);英英释义 oxytocin[ ,ksi'tusin, -'t- ]n.hormone secreted by the posteri...
详细解释striationn.条痕,条纹状;线状;劈理;擦痕英英释义 striation[ strai'ein ]n.any of a number of tiny parallel grooves such ...
详细解释epiduraladj.硬(脑)膜上的,硬脑膜外的;n.[医学] =epidural anesthesia; 变形 复数:epidurals 英英释义 epidural[ ,epi'dju...
详细解释amniocentesisn.羊膜腔穿刺术; 变形 复数:amniocenteses 英英释义 amniocentesis[ ,mni:usen'ti:sis ]n.(pregnancy) extractio...
详细解释analgesian.无痛觉,痛觉缺失;英英释义 analgesian.absence of the sense of pain without loss of consciousness
详细解释icterusn.黄疸;英英释义 icterus[ 'iktrs ]n.yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes caused by an accumulation of...
详细解释puerperaladj.分娩的,产后的;英英释义 puerperal[ pju':prl ]adj.relating to or connected with or occurring at the time of...