共 122 个单词
剑桥商务英语中级词汇用法上相关的的单词有【top end】【semi-skilled】【call center】【price hike】【neon sign】【a battery of】【spare capacity】【free gift】【share option】【cold call】【Personnel Department】【captain of industry】【light industry】【retail outlet】【employment agency】【self-starter】【manufactured goods】【full-time job】【graphic designer】【part-time job】【market economy】【equal opportunity】【sales force】【market leader】【product mix】【get to work】【residential area】【downmarket】【sales manager】【raw materials】【chief executive】【key player】【work experience】【low key】【human resource management】【lay-off】【brand awareness】【street vendor】【career path】【glass ceiling】等。
top endn.尖端,顶端;英英释义 Top EndThe Top End of northern Australia is a geographical region encompassing the norther...
详细解释semi-skilled释义[医]半熟练的;英英释义 semi-skilled[ semiskild ]adj.possessing or requiring limited skills同义词:semisk...
详细解释call center释义呼叫中心;英英释义 call center n.a center equipped to handle a large volume of telephone calls (especiall...
详细解释cold calln.(向潜在的主顾打的)冷不防电话; 变形 复数:cold calls过去式:cold called现在分词:cold calling第三人称单数:...
详细解释Personnel Departmentn.人事部,人事科;英英释义 Personnel Department n.the department responsible for hiring and training...
详细解释captain of industryn.大企业的首脑; 变形 复数:captains of industry 英英释义 Captain of industryDuring the United Kingdo...
详细解释light industryn.轻工业; 变形 复数:light industries 英英释义 Light industryLight industry is usually less capital inten...
详细解释employment agencyn.职业介绍所; 变形 复数:employment agencies 英英释义 employment agency n.an agency that finds people ...
详细解释self-startern.电动式起动装置,做事主动的人,有主动精神的人; 变形 复数:self-starters 英英释义 self-starter[ 'self'st:t ...
详细解释graphic designern.美术设计员; 变形 复数:graphic designers 英英释义 Graphic designerA graphic designer is a professiona...
详细解释market economy释义市场经济;英英释义 market economy n.an economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods ...
详细解释equal opportunity释义均等机会;英英释义 equal opportunity n.the right to equivalent opportunities for employment regardl...
详细解释sales forcen.销货力量[人员]; 变形 复数:sales forces 英英释义 sales force n.the division of a business that is responsi...
详细解释residential area释义居民区,住宅区;英英释义 residential area n.a district where people live; occupied primarily by priv...
详细解释downmarketadj.(商品或服务)价廉质次的,下品的,低档的;英英释义 downmarket[ ,daun'ma:kit ]adj.designed for low-income c...
详细解释chief executive释义[法]行政长官;最高层管理者;元首;英英释义 chief executive n.the person who holds the office of head ...
详细解释work experiencen.工作经验,工作经验强化培训计划;英英释义 Work ExperienceWork Experience is the second episode of the se...
详细解释low key释义暗色调图像调节键;英英释义 low key adj.restrained in style or quality同义词:low-keylow-keyedsubdued
详细解释human resource management释义人力资源管理;人力调配;英英释义 Human resource managementHuman resource management (HRM, o...
详细解释lay-offn.临时解雇期; 失业期; 双语释义n.(名词)[C](由于工作清闲而造成的)临时解雇 the stopping of a worker's employment a...
详细解释brand awareness释义商标意识,牌子意识;英英释义 Brand awarenessBrand Awareness is the extent to which a brand is recogni...
详细解释glass ceilingn.玻璃天花板;玻璃天花板封顶; 变形 复数:glass ceilings 英英释义 glass ceiling n.a ceiling based on attitu...